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Assignment Enterprise Architecture Concepts
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Architecting large scale transformation is an important skill in industry. Very often new technology opportunities arise (which can be manufacturing, logistics, information technology, or a combination, etc.) and can respond to pressing concerns, whether economic, environmental, or social in nature. This assignment gives you a structured introduction to how long-term strategic transformations can be supported by an enterprise architect.
The scenario below is the default suggested topic, but if you have a different significant topic in mind, please email the lecturer to discuss the suitability of an alternative problem.
Motivating Scenario
According to Naval and Yusta (2021) “In recent years, the integration of distributed generation in power systems has been accompanied by new facilityoperations strategies. Thus, it has become increasingly important to enhance management capabilities regardingthe aggregation of distributed electricity production and demand through different types of virtual power plants(VPPs). It is also important to exploit their ability to participate in electricity markets to maximize operatingprofits.”
You, as a strategic management consultant, are asked to give recommendations to the government on the way forward to implement a strategy as part of long-term energy strategy for Australia, given that microgrids, virtual power plants relying on renewable energy sources and energy storage technology solutions (including hardware and software systems) have the potential to dramatically reduce carbon emissions, so as to reach the renewable energy targets of countries.
Accordingly, you are asked to write a report, in which you:
1. Identify the participants of the market that would be impacted by the introduction of these technology solutions,
2. Describe the Business Concept, that outlines the vision of this strategic initiative, and therefore conduct brief strategic analyses,
3. Detail a strategy and plan to implement the vision, including the goals and objectives,and the principlesthat should guide the required transformation impacting the stakeholders in the electricity market, and
4. Describe, using a so-called ‘dynamic business model’, what would be involved in the transformation of the present business model of energy production and use to realise this envisioned future.
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