Assignment Task
Power Systems
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By the completion of this project, you will be able to gain familiarity with the basic features of the DIgSILENT PowerFactory software.
DIgSILENT PowerFactory is a leading power system analysis software application for use in analysing generation, transmission, distribution, and industrial systems. It covers the full range of functionality from standard features to highly sophisticated and advanced applications including wind power, distributed generation (DG), real-time simulation and performance monitoring for system testing and supervision. DIgSILENT PowerFactory is easy to use, fully Windows compatible and combines reliable and flexible system modelling capabilities with state-of-the-art algorithms and a unique database concept. Also, with its flexibility for scripting and interfacing, DIgSILENT PowerFactory is perfectly suited to highly automated and integrated solutions in business applications. The software is available in the computer labs in Building 5.
1. Run PowerFactory and select Tutorial from the Help menu. Complete the activities under Getting Started to become familiar with the software.
2. Consider the IEEE 33-bus distribution network of Figure 1, along with the data in Table 1
Build the complete model in PowerFactory. Use a substation voltage of 12.66 kV and consider ±5% voltage deviation limit for each bus. Use a base power of 100 MVA (see 8.1.2 Project Settings in the User Manual, access via Help menu).
3. Connect an external grid to Bus 1.
4. Add wind-based and photovoltaics (PV) Distributed Generation (DG) to simulate a high DG penetration scenario (PV DG could represent aggregated generation seen at the installed bus). Two wind DG of 1 MW are sited at buses 18 and 24. Three 400 kVA PV DG are installed at buses 5, 21, and 31, and four 500 kVA PV DG are installed at buses 8, 12, 28, and 33. Consider 85% wind and solar injection (MW) of total capacity on load flow page of wind and solar DG. It is assumed that the loads follow the IEEE-RTS model as illustrated in Figure 2 and the load composition is set to ap = aq = 0.4, bp = bq = 0.3, and cp = cq = 0.3. The output generation from wind and PV DG is also expected to follow the curves in Figure 2. Assign the characteristics of Figure 2 to the model (see 18.2 Parameter Characteristics in the User Manual).
5. Define a feeder from Bus 1 (see 15.5 Feeders in the User Manual). Scale the feeder with load composition 3.715 MW and 2.3 MVar.
6. Conduct load flow studies for different times during the day corresponding to Figure 2 (you can do this by changing the Study Time).
7. Plot the voltage profile of the feeder for different times during the day corresponding to Figure 2.
8. Calculate % voltage deviation at each bus, as well as real power, reactive power, total losses and % loading of each line for different times during the day corresponding to Figure 2 (see 10.6 The Flexible Data Page Tab in the User Manual).
9. Plot the results obtained in the previous two steps, over the whole day corresponding to Figure 2, by using Excel (see 10.9.1 Export to Spreadsheet Programs in the User Manual).
10. Present the resulting information in a suitably formatted (including background, objectives, methodology, results and analysis, discussion) and electronically edited (reports with scanned hand-written content will not be accepted) design report.
11. Submit your report by 5pm, 20 May 2022, via Blackboard, by using the plagiarismprevention service Turnitin. Extensions will not be granted without reasonable ground. Please refer to the ECU Policy on Assessment for details on late submission penalties. Do NOT use an assessment coversheet. A student declaration is now part of the submission process and coversheets impact Turnitin similarity reports.
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