Management Strategies
Note the Metapopulation line should be exclude from each of the graphs. This is because we are not modelling a true metapopulation we don’t have multiple populations interacting. Our “populations” are actually just multiple management strategies it is simpler to do the comparisons this way. Just uncheck Metapopulation for all outputs.
Instructions for using Vortex for Question 2
Up to now you have just assessed the effect of the different proposed management strategies under the current environmental conditions. Now you will assess the effect of climate change on the Eglinton population under the different management strategies. Climate change may affect mohua in three ways: 1) frequency of beech masts 2) frequency or severity of cold winters 3) frequencies of encountering wasps. The effect of these, as well as their combined effects will be simulated in Vortex via the use of “catastrophes”. You will change the settings (frequency and/or severity) of one (or more) of the appropriate catastrophes as is relevant to each scenario.
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Get Help Now!There are five scenarios listed the bar at the top (under tab Simulation Input): 1) current environmental conditions; three climate change catastrophes scenarios: 2) Climate change masting, 3) Climate change winter, 4) Climate change wasps; and a combined catastrophe scenario 5) Climate change all (all three catastrophes occurring together). The settings (frequency of occurrence and effects on mohua) of these three catastrophes can be seen and edited in the Catastrophes tab in the column on the left-hand side. Currently the settings are the same as those in the Current environmental conditions scenario, so you will need to change these values to simulate the effect of a warming climate.
1. Go to the Catastrophes tab. In the pull-down menu there are three catastrophe options: Predation-beech mast for the Climate change masting scenario, Cold winter for the Climate change winter scenario, and Vespulid wasps for the Climate change wasps scenario. These menus contain the settings that you will need to change for each scenario. For the final scenario, Climate change all, you will change the settings of all three catastrophes.
2. Keeping values for each “population” the same so the effect of climate change can be compared across all management strategies (exceot for Climate chanae mastina see notes on Reproduction and Survival scores below) change the values of the catastrophe according to what you think might happen:
a. For Climate change masting we are assuming that the severity does not change so keep the reproduction and survival values the same. Just change the frequency. Try changing the frequency of beech-mast-related predation events from every 3 years to 2 years (Fig. 2). This would mean they now they occur 50% of the time.
b. For Climate change winter you 3303 0033 to change frequency and/or the reproduction/survival values (see notes on Reproduction and Survival scores below).
c. For Climate change wasps you will need to change frequency AND the reproduction/survival values because the current values have no effect. Survival and reproduction are at 1, which is 100%. For the frequency here, it is best to think about it as “the frequency of encountering wasps in a certain year”. So a frequency
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