
EDST561 – Citing the Australian Curriculum and The Early Years Learning Framework – Teaching Assignment Help

Assignment Task

Accepted forms of in-text citation to the Early Years Learning Framework. Note: When citing the EYLF, it is preferable to use quotation marks unless you are listing Learning Outcomes in a table or section that has a specific heading stating that the material in that section includes direct extracts from the EYLF. For any other text in the EYLF, always use quotation marks. The first time you cite this document, the citation should be: (Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations [DEEWR], 2009) For second and subsequent citations, use: (DEEWR, 2009) As with all in-text citations, if you cite a direct quote make sure you include a page number: (DEEWR, 2009, pX) If you use the template for Assignment 2 (EDST561), then it would be acceptable to include the relevant Learning Outcomes without quotation marks provided that you:

• Mention the EYLF as the relevant document. For example, in the table heading

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• Include direct text only from the relevant learning outcomes

• State the outcomes you are referring to

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