Assignment Task
Part 1 : Think Deeper
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Get Help Now!1. What are the premises of quality education. These statements are the basics of Early Childhood Education. Describe 6 overarching big ideas about child guidance.
2. Describe the essential requirements for quality programming for Early Childhood Education in Chapter 1 and what this would look like in the classroom.
3. Select a basic activity, such as using tricycles or easel painting, that tends to stay the same throughout the year in many schools. List 2 variations that could be made that may add interest and deeper learning to the activities.
4. Why are certain families supportive of programming and others so sceptical? What can you do to change this dynamic?
5. In what ways can teachers make the child- care centre “family friendly”? List some specific actions you would take encourage family involvement and communication?
6. What types of families can early childhood teachers expect to work with? Think of a family structure that is different from your own, and list three ways in which you can and list 3 ways in which you can convey to the family and the child that they are welcome to the program. Chapter 2
7. Describe some general principles for helping families deal with crises?
Part 2 : Connection
Can early education make a difference? Children exposed to a quality pre-kindergarten experience gain more than just a head start on grade school education. Exposure to the social interaction and learning stimulation while their brains are developing brings long-term benefits for children such as performance in high school and in college, less chance of interaction with the justice system and greater chance of career and income success. You may choose to search the internet for ideas. Please list website.
Part 3 : Reflect
Manjot, a little girl in your group, has started to pinch other children on a regular basis. Describe what you would say to the parent? List some practical pointers for conducting a successful conference.
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