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ABSTRACT: This article attempts a fresh look at the fundamental processes that took shape inside feudalism and prepared the ground for the original transition to capitalism. Towards this end, the limitations of the approaches based on the “class conflict” school and on the productive forces/production relations framework are exposed and an alternative framework is proposed. This consists of three basic elements: first, the specific features of the feudal social structure that give rise to this system’s dynamism are explored; second, the interactive process between the feudal society’s expanding productive capacity and its changing social structure is fully analyzed; third, the role of class conflict as the mediating link in the above process is made explicit. Last, within this framework an alternative explanation of the crisis of the feudal order is given. ISSUE OF THE TRANSITION from feudalism to capitalism has been hotly debated within Marxism. Different brands of Marxism have found a fertile terrain for testing their theoretical tools. On the other hand, this issue has also testified to the “fertility of Marxism as a source of inquiry” (Laibman, 1984, 257). In the two main rounds in this debate – the first in Science & Society in the early 1950s (reproduced in Hilton, 1978) and the second in Past and Present in the late 1970s (reproduced in Aston and Philpin, 1985) – many important issues emerged. The existence or not of a prime mover within the feudal mode of production (FMP), the causes of its dissolution, the role of the market, the question of why capitalism first emerged in England and not elsewhere, were some of the major themes explored.
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