Do you agree or disagree that establishing a job evaluation process in an organization ensures that employees are fairly compensated?
Yes, I agree. Establishing a job evaluation process in an organization ensures that employees are fairly compensated. A job evaluation helps in the identification and elimination of wage inequities and provides internal equity by establishing a fair and objective wage structure (Sarinah, 2020). Fairness comes as a result of job evaluations helping to determine which jobs and job responsibilities are similar for purposes of pay, lateral moves, promotions, and transfers. Ensuring fairness in compensation creates a sense of organizational identification which helps to prevent reward dissatisfaction common when employees feel that their rewards to contribution ratio are unjustified. When employees perceive the workplace as being fair and equitable, they put in more effort to attain improved productivity.
Discussion C: Team and Diversity Essay
A job evaluation is also the basis upon which job descriptions, competencies, performance standards, and performance appraisal systems are developed. This also helps to justify the existing pay rate structure by providing reasons for how it promotes internal equity. With job evaluation, jobs are put in wage grades based on external market pricing and internal benchmarking (Kahya, 2018). For organizations to remain competitive, their employees have to be compensated in standards comparable to those in similar jobs in other organizations (Choudhary, 2016). A Job evaluation provides the basis for this comparison and ensures that employees are remunerated competitively according to industry rates.
Carrying out job evaluations also help organizations in complying with equal pay laws and regulations which determine pay differences based on job contents (Hilling, 2020). Without job evaluation, companies would not have standards of compensation for their employees and this would result in unjustified pay inequities in the organization and the market for similar positions requiring similar knowledge, skills, qualifications, and experience. A job evaluation also accords employees a basis for negotiating pay rates during collective bargaining agreements with recognized workers’ unions.
“Job evaluation provides a rational and consistent approach for determining the pay of employees within an organization….this process will ensure an equitable and defensible compensation structure that compensates employees fairly for job value.”
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