
Development of Modern Housing & House Study Report – Engineering Assignment Help

Assignment Task


It is beneficial to familiarise yourself with the relationship between the assessment and all these course objectives.
• CO1
. Outline the various trends in development of modern housing.
CO2. Identify the current work practices of residential building companies.
• CO3. Identify the principal components of single storey domestic construction.
• CO4. Demonstrate an understanding of the building regulations and standards.
CO5. Explain the sequencing and coordination of building elements. 

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The report involves a comprehensive investigation of a typical single or double-storey residential building to gain first-hand knowledge about the types of activities undertaken through the house substructure construction process. Hence, to write the report alongside integrating various informational sources, you will be required to progressively identify, record, document, photograph site work, footings, and slab construction process. Footings are the base on which the house is built – they carry the weight of the house above and transfer all the loads down into the ground. Many footings in house construction around Australia are slab-on-ground made from concrete. A slab on the ground can be one of several different types such as a stiffened raft slab, waffle raft slab, slab with dropped edge beams or a reinforced slab on fill.

Investigative learning implies that you progressively identify, record, document, photograph the processes throughout the house substructure construction process. Actively visiting the house site and observing this process in a professional environment and interpreting informational sources is an imperative skill to develop professionally. Thus, your house site must be conveniently located enabling you with ease of access from home or work, as substructure works will occur daily in quick succession. You must not enter your chosen site. Instead, rely on your observations as you move around the outside of the site from behind the boundary line. If you are obstructed and unable to observe and record a key activity within one of the stages, this can be substituted with external sources (images and diagrams from the internet etc). Please make sure you reference them as per UniSA Harvard Referencing Style.

Ideally, the house site should be a building Class 1a. A typical single or double-storey residential building is a detached house or one or more attached dwellings. Contact with local or project builders, housing estates, councils or even search through your areas may indicate possible sites. In house construction, the four largest home building companies (Metricon, ABN Group, BGC and Simonds Homes). Businesses in the residential building are locationbased and service local and regional populations. Most companies are domestically owned. Typically, businesses in the industry operate in narrow regional markets. Many of these project home builders build more than 1000 homes per year. Based on these statistics it would be reasonable to expect that at any one time there would be a substantial number (at the very minimum 2000) of dwellings under construction.

If there is a delay in activities, use a comparable house site. Typically, it’ll take anywhere from 2-4 weeks for the foundation to be laid.

You are required to demonstrate a wide range of research from various informational sources, to integrate and support your house study. Including, AS 2870 – 2011 Residential slabs and footings construction requirements, NCC Volume Two, Part 3.1 Site Preparation and Part 3.2 Footings, industry-based publications, and course material.

It is beneficial to your progress in residential construction to also attempt to source documentation and plans pertinent to the substructure works:

  • Architectural Plans such as a Site Plan.
  • Engineers Soil and Construction Report such as Soil Classification / Footing Details and Specifications / Footing Plan.

This information will be important when writing your house study report and to help inform part of your observations, investigation and photographic analysis and discussion. You can copy/scan and attach the documentation and plans in the appendices in full (clearly labelled by number) and refer to them in the body of text
when needed. You may approach Architects, Building Designers or Engineers direct for suitable documentation. Other possible sources are tradespeople and or trade suppliers because they, too, have access to plans and documentation. You may reassure the builder that you only intend to extract certain parts by explaining what specific information you require to conduct your house study investigation.
If you are unable to source original plans and documentation, you can use comparable ones from the learn online site or ones available online. Remember that these plans and documents will need to correlate with your selected house.

Your house study report will involve all 9 elements. A guide on how to structure your report is below. The report will be Cover pages, tables of contents, executive summary, references, headings, headers, footers, and appendices are not included in the word count.
1. Cover page – Title, author, date, and course code.
2. Table of Contents
3. Executive Summary – Briefly summarise the report so that the reader is well informed and does not have to read the full report, yet they will be inspired to continue reading.
4. Introduction – The House Study should commence with an introduction outlining your first selected site, its locality and orientation. Explain the context of the house study investigation.
5. Preliminary Works – Based on your observations. Depict and describe the following activities, how they are sequenced and coordinated: site fencing, water, sewer connection, gas, stormwater, telecommunications etc.)

6. Substructure – Based on your observations. Depict and describe the following activities, how they are sequenced and coordinated. Also, be explicit in your descriptions.

  1. Earthworks – describe earthworks (cutting off existing electricity or water supply and drainage services, site clearing, grubbing, and grading as required).
  2. Geotechnical investigation – From the engineer’s soil and construction report obtained or from site observations determine the site’s footing design. Describe how the soil classification is used to determine the footing design for the site. Typical footings are slab-on-ground. A slab on the ground can be one of several different types of slabs such as a raft slab, waffle pod slab, slab with dropped edge beams or a reinforced slab on fill.
  3. Site preparation – describe site preparation (site setting out, initial excavation and any retaining walls).
  4. First, fix fixtures – describe first, fix fixtures (installation of in-ground plumbing, drainage installation and electrical services)
  5. Footings – describe the preparation of the footings (initial excavation, compaction of filling, termite treatment, damp proof membrane, set out of reinforcement and formwork).
  6. The concrete pour – describe the pour operation, levelling, vibration, boarding, and trowel finishing and selected method or methods of curing.

7. Conclusion – within the limitations of your experience, express your conclusions as to the standard of construction and workmanship employed on site. Apart from the construction and design aspects discuss your personal experience and learning aspects of the project as compared to academic learning and other research you may have done for this project.
8. Appendices – The appendices should include all bulky documents about the report such as drawings and other documents, etc. Do not place these items in the main body of the report. Rather refer to them within the body  of the text.
9. Reference List – List all the sources you have cited in the text, as per UniSA Harvard Referencing Style.

The quiz is open book, which means that you can use any of the resources in the course during the quiz and use the electronic copies as well. You should be able to download each of the concept (lecture) slides as a .pdf document.
There should be a ‘Slides and Notes’ hyperlink for each of the topic videos. The quiz will include 15 questions that include multiple choice and short written answer questions. The randomisation of equivalent questions has been used to make your quiz questions unique to you. Once you have begun the quiz you will have 60 minutes to complete it (You will only have one attempt). A countdown timer will be displayed once the quiz starts. Any problems with the quiz contact IT help. Make sure you provide enough relevant information and answer all the questions to maximise your marks. The weeks assessed in this quiz cover various topics:
Week 1 – Planning and Documentation
Week 2 – Certificate of Title and Site Investigation
Week 7 – Wall Claddings, Linings and Finishes
Week 8 – Wet Areas, Floor Finishes and Second Fix Trades
Week 9 – Building Services and Energy Efficiency
Week 10 – Stairs, Fire Resistance and Safety Design

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