
Designing Game Called King of the Stacks Case Study Management Assignment Help

Assignment Task

Suppose you are designing a game called King of the Stacks. The rules of the game are as follows:
 The game is played with two (2) players.

  •  There are three (3) different Stacks in the game.
  •  Each turn, a player pushes a disk on top of exactly one of the three Stacks.
  • Players alternate turns throughout the game. Each disk will include some marker
  • to denote to whom it belongs.
  •  At the end of certain turns, spaced at regular intervals, the top disk is
  • automatically popped from the Stacks. The pop timer is staggered so that disks
  • are popped off from different Stacks at different times.
  •  The game is played for a set number of turns (N), but there must be at least 25
  • turns.
  •  After N turns have elapsed, the game is over. The player who has the most
  • disks remaining on the three Stacks combined is the winner.
  • Your task is to write a program that will implement and simulate the King of the Stacks
  • game.
  • Some requirements for your simulation:
  •  Your program should ask how many turns should be played (N >= 20)
  •  The game will be simulated according to the rules listed above
  •  Your program should simulate the entire game without any user intervention
  • after the number of turns is entered. Each player’s turn will be simulated by
  • having a random integer (0, 1, 2) generated. Based on the random integer
  • drawn, the player will push her disk onto the appropriate Stack.
  •  The pop timers should be staggered so that a disk is popped from each Stack at
  • the end of every 4th, 6th, and 7th turns, respectively. (In other words, Stack A
  • will pop off a disk every 4 turns, Stack B will pop off a disk every 6 turns; and
  • Stack C will pop off a disk every 7 turns).
  •  Your simulation should include a way to handle a potential EmptyStackException
  • that is thrown by attempting to pop an empty Stac

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