Building Energy Analysis
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The purpose of this assignment is to establish your understanding of:
- User thermal comfort through passive solar design strategies. Assessing the design through DesignBuilder software.
- The lighting energy simulation of the selected building using DesignBuilder.
As you work on this assignment, you will be guided by three tutorial sessions that will lead you through each stage of your assignment tasks. The intention is that you learn the processes required at each stage by working through the tutorial guide and then apply those techniques to the gradual development of your assignment project in accordance with the brief given. The same geometric model from Assignment 1 will be used for this assignment to fulfill a thorough analysis of energy and comfort using DesignBuilder tool.
Assignment 2 tasks and the related tutorial sessions are listed as follows:
Assignment 2 – Tutorial
Introduction and hands-on practice to various features in DesignBuilder: Explanation for assignment 2; Modifying the building envelope details (selecting a template and looking at the information for each building component); Inputs for all four internal loads discussed earlier Developing and applying schedules.
Assignment 2 – Tutorial 4
Completing the modeling building information:
Looking at scheduled and calculated natural ventilation;
Changing different building components in the construction tab (for example how to add a layer of insulation);
Running simulation for summer design week and winter design week and interpreting the results;
Running an annual simulation and looking at the number of comfortable/uncomfortable hours using natural ventilation strategies.
Assignment 2 – Tutorial 5
Recap on building energy performance modeling and simulation in DesignBuilder;
Assessment description
You are required to model and perform a lighting and equipment energy consumption/daylight performance and thermal comfort analysis of the selected building design using the DesignBuilder software tool. The project task consists of four steps described as follows:
Step 1: Complete the building modeling information for the selected building in Assignment 1
Use the model you have generated for Assignment 1. Please note that for the previous assignment you conducted the simulation and sun path study for two different climate zones in Australia. For this assignment, each group member needs to focus on one of these climate zones. Please note that
Assignment 2 will be done individually.
- Complete the geometry (You should have done this for assignment 1). Don’t forget that you should simplify your geometry. If a building feature has a negligible effect on building energy performance, just ignore it. The more complicated your model is, the longer the simulation will take. ‘
- Create all different zones and set the activities for each zone.
- Check the R-values for the main components such as external walls, floor, and roof.
- Do your own research and find appropriate glazing types in term terms of U-value, SHGC, and VLT.
- Incorporate appropriate internal loads (lighting, equipment and people) and schedules for their operation in each zone.
- Model your building as a naturally ventilated building (Zones are defined to be comfortable as long as the air temperature (Zone Mean Air Temperature) stays within the range of 19C to 27C; no other comfort parameter is constrained for the purpose of this assignment (for example, there are no limits on relative humidity). Daytime zones are to be tested for comfort between 07:00 to 20:00 hours and nighttime zones between 20:00 to 07:00 hours for all days in the year.
Step 2: Simulation of energy and comfort for the selected design in DesignBuilder and interpretation of the results
You are to undertake a performance analysis of your design model, such as thermal comfort, daylighting, etc. and explain the analysis results and key findings.
After specifying the building modeling information, now you need to run an annual simulation for the selected building and report the results. You should run separate simulations for different seasons and months to make sure that your model is working properly. You need to report the annual lighting energy consumption and the number of comfortable/uncomfortable hours.
Step 3: Improving the energy/comfort performance of your building
Look at the results from the previous step. What improvements can you make to your building?
You have to reduce 50% of annual discomfort hours when compared to your base model for any 5 important (habitable) zones, at least two daytime zone and two night time zones, using passive solar design strategies. Please note the improvement should be done by proposing new materials, insulation, WWR, window performance (window design elements), window operation or any other improvements related to the building envelope.
Please note you might need to run many simulations to find a few good solutions. Please just change one thing at a time to understand the effect of that change on the results. If you feel happy and confident with the change and results, go to the next step and make another reasonable improvement.
You don’t need to report the results of all steps you have tried, but you document your design process. Please report the initial and final numbers for annual lighting energy consumption and the number of comfortable/uncomfortable hours and compare these numbers with the previous simulation.
Step 4: Write the Assignment 2 project report
Report Requirements:
The final report should be concise and must be well- illustrated with energy and thermal comfort simulation results from DesignBuilder. Your report must include basic information about the building you have selected and an explanation of the modeled design information. It should also incorporate the analysis you have carried out, any design issues you have encountered, and how you have overcome these issues, the result of the base model analysis, the result of the improved design, a summary of your key findings, and a conclusion of the main outcomes. Your analysis will be assessed on the depth of your discussions and the thoughtfulness you have put into the process.
Project Report
You are to write the Assignment 2 project report which will consist of the following:
PART 1: Objectives
Describe the objectives of the project and explain which design you have selected and what performance analysis you have conducted.
PART 2: Describe your building and the characteristics of the location
Describe the features of the selected building and location briefly. Indicate the requirements of the specific climatic zone/region where you are working in determining the selection of building materials and defining the thickness and layers that fulfills the National Construction Code of Australia requirements.
PART 3: Modeling design information
Describe a range of design information that you have modeled in DesignBuilder, which could cover space activities, opening characteristics, shading features, detailed information about the building envelope, information about natural ventilation, etc. Screenshots, tables and illustrations or tables could be used to present design information modeled in DesignBuilder.
PART 4: Report the result for your building simulation (base model)
You need to report the annual lighting energy consumption and the number of comfortable/uncomfortable hours. You have to report annual discomfort hours compare to your base model of any 5 zones at least 2 daytime zone and two night time zones, in terms of Zone mean air temperature.
PART 5: Describe the improvements you have made and compare the results with the base model
Describe the improvement you have made to the building envelope and compare these results with the results you got from the base building. The comparison should be a critical comparison. You might also talk about your failures here: “I changed A, but the discomfort hours increased. Then I tried B, and it worked!”. Please keep in mind that improving one aspect might result in worsening another aspect. It is important to find a balance between different aspects.
PART 6: Conclusions
Provide conclusions including a summary of key findings.
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