Assignment Task
1. Assessment Information
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This assessment will develop your skills and knowledge required to manage the integrity and effectiveness of colour across digital imaging devices. It will also develop your skills and knowledge required to work with photomedia in professional creative practice.
B. What you are required to do
For this assessment, you are required to complete 4 tasks:
Task A – Research and understand colour management
Task B – Implement colour management
Task C – Demonstrate photomedia knowledge
Task D – Produce photomedia work
Task B requires you to create designs for a fictional company called Boomfest. Task D requires you to create designs for a fictional company called Flavourful Teas.
C. Competencies being assessed
To achieve competency in this unit you must demonstrate your ability to:
1. Research principles and techniques for control of digital colour
2. Apply colour management systems
3. Review and update colour management strategies
4. Explore the potential of photomedia in own work
5. Experiment with photomedia
6. Create and present finished photomedia work
7. Evaluate work
Performance Evidence
You must provide evidence of the ability to:
• Document research into the principles and techniques of digital colour management
• Evaluate digital colour management systems and strategies, and select a system to apply in a digital imaging context
• Manage digital colour across a range of digital devices to achieve consistent quality in products
• Evaluate outcomes and document ways to respond to future changes or opportunities
• Use research and analysis of traditional and contemporary photomedia practice to inform own work
• Investigate and test performance of photomedia tools to refine ideas
• Produce a coherent body of photomedia work using well-developed conceptual and technical skills
• Apply safe work practices for the technologies being used
• Assess the success of finished work to meet creative and technical project objectives
Knowledge Evidence
You must demonstrate knowledge of:
• Explain how colour is created, defined and managed in digital imaging devices
• Describe how common colour charts, spaces, measurement, systems and models are used in photo imaging
• Outline the key industry standards that apply to colour measurement and management
• Describe typical issues that may arise in managing digital colour and briefly outline solutions
• Identify trends and emerging technologies that may have impact on colour management systems
• Discuss the range of traditional, current and emerging options for the use of photomedia in creative practice
• Describe traditional and contemporary issues that inform the use of photomedia in creative practice
• Identify intellectual property issues and legislation that affect the use of photomedia
• Detail the workplace health and safety requirements for working with photomedia
Assessment Questions
A. Task A – Research and understand colour management
A1. The colour mode below combines ‘Red’, ‘Green’ and ‘Blue’. What 3 letter acronym is it commonly called in the graphic design?
A2. What colour is produced when the ‘Red’, ‘Green’ and ‘Blue’ values are all set to 255 (100%)?
A3. Is the colour mode with Red, Green and Blue, an additive or subtractive model? What does this mean?
A4. The colour mode below combines ‘Cyan’, ‘Magenta’, ‘Yellow’ and ‘Key-Black’ What 4 letter acronym is it commonly called in the graphic design?
A5. What colour is produced when the ‘Cyan’, ‘Magenta’, ‘Yellow’ and ‘Key-Black’ values are all set to 100%?
A6. Is the colour mode with ‘Cyan’, ‘Magenta’, ‘Yellow’ and ‘Key-Black’ an additive or subtractive model? What does this mean?
A7. What is the name of the popular colour chart tool pictured below?
A8. Describe how the chart above (in question A7) is used when taking photos and when editing them on a computer.
A9. The same image can look different in colour when viewed on a camera device, on a computer screen, and when printed. Why is this?
A10. What word should be in the blank: “U.S Web Coated (SWOP) v2 and Coated FOGRA39 (IS 12647-2:2004) are two types of Adobe working.”?
A11. Outline two or more industry standards relevant to colour management in Australia.
A12. List three or more sources of information on colour management and standards.
A13. Describe two or more marks that can be generated when prepared a document for printing, which help printers to correctly print files.
A14. A common issue with colour management is colours looking dull when printed, compared to how they were seen on a screen. Describe one or more tactics for solving this.
A15. Describe procedures graphic designers can use when managing and correcting the colour of their designs.
B. Task B – Implement colour management
Task B instructions
You are working as a graphic designer. You have been asked to work on two separate projects for a company called Boomfest. For both projects you are required to insert a logo into an image and colour manage it for print and online.
Project 1
For the first project, you are required to incorporate the supplied logo – “” – into the supplied image – “festival-crowd-blue.jpg” – and appropriately colour manage this design to produce:
• A version designed to be an 870 x 580px online image
• A version designed to be an A4 print on uncoated paper
Project 2
For the second project, you are required to incorporate the supplied logo – “” – into the supplied image – “Rainbow-lights-festival.jpg” – and appropriately colour manage this design to produce:
• A version designed to be an 870 x 580px online image
• A version designed to be an A4 print on 80# gloss paper
You will need to employ appropriate colour management systems so the colour in both print and online versions of the different images look as correct and consistent as possible.
B1. Calibrating your monitor is important for colour management. Describe 2 or more possible monitor calibration tools you could use.
B2. Using the table below, describe the calibration devices, profiling techniques and closed loop systems you will use to manage colour in your images.
B3. Reflect on the tools and techniques you outlined in questions B1 and B2, then answer the question below.
How suitable and cost effective are your chosen colour management systems and techniques?
C. Task C – Demonstrate photomedia knowledge
C1. Examine the works provided. What traditional photomedia technique has been used to combine two different images into one?
C2. Describe one challenge and one benefit of using film photography for photomedia works.
C3. Examine the photomedia work provided below. What techniques has the designer used to combine letter shapes and a photograph into one?
C4. Describe a challenge and a benefit of capturing images on smartphones for photomedia works.
C5. Describe one Intellectual Property or legislative requirement relevant to the research and creation of photomedia works.
C6. List two or more workplace health and safety requirements for working with photomedia.
C7. Describe common software programs and techniques graphic designers can use to create photomedia work.
D. Task D – Produce photomedia work
D1. You are to research and develop ideas to answer the Flavourful Teas brief.
Document the development of your photomedia work as you research, refine your ideas, and experiment with developing them. By the end of week 3, produce a document which outlines:
• The relevant research you’ve done
• The two images you plan to combine together, and why you’ve chosen them
• The tools and methods you plan to use to combine them
Now you have developed ideas in response to the Flavourful Teas brief, you need to share them with others and seek their feedback. Arrange a meeting with your Trainer & Assessor to present your Work In Progress document.
NOTE: Your Trainer & Assessor will also observe this meeting and complete an observation checklist.
D3. Reflect on your final photomedia designs (as created in Task D, Questions D4 and D5). Then answer the questions below:
a) Describe how you used the feedback received on your Work in Progress Document (Part 2, Task B) to refine your photomedia work.
b) How well do you believe your final Body of Work represents “a burst of summer” and “warmth and energy in the cooler months”? Explain why.
c) How well do you believe your photomedia Body of Work meets the technical requirements of the brief? Explain why.
d) Describe one or more ways you applied safe work practices while creating your photomedia Body of Work.
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