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Get Help Now!Propose a working example of a program in machine level language using any appropriate assembly programming tool.
Mathematics is one of the most important modules in education. It has various types of mathematical areas namely Algebra, Calculus & Analysis, Geometry & Topology, Logic, Combinatorics, Number Theory and so on. In mathematical geometry there are different types of shapes involved such as square, regular pentagon, right triangle, rectangle and parallelogram etc. Form of shapes may vary based on input values such as radius and perimeter etc. In computer forensics the image steganography plays a prominent role in order to secure confidential data. Usually the phases of software development involve with forward engineering however, cyber security and forensics sectors have been widely using the concept of reverse engineering to bring back the original design of products.
Assume, you are currently working as algorithm designer for APU Event Management Unit and you need to apply an appropriate mathematical logic to design shapes. This will be useful for the APU Event Management Unit to propose new designs in the digital banners or digital arch for the events/festivals. The diagram (Fig.1) below shown as sample of various shapes and its logical design.
You, as programmer in APU Event Management Unit, required to develop an assembly program to design digital display banner/arch using registers, services, flow control statements and procedures/macros for the above-mentioned case study using TASM and TLINK. The design should be precise and clear with the above given shapes also need to include minimum 5 lines of text to be displayed and permitted to use various colours for making attractive digital banner/arch. Research and analyse the significance of reverse engineering in image steganography and describe the usage of IDA Pro tool.
You, as a programmer in APU Event Management Unit, are required to develop an assembly language program for the above mentioned case study using TASM, TLINK with documentation of image steganography and uses of IDA Pro tool in forensics.
1. Research and analyse the contribution of assembly programming language in any five (5) recent applications also provide the self-reflections with justification.
2. Evaluate the low level programming language with any three (3) high level programming. Languages and justify the importance of assembly language in cyber security/forensics.
3. Research and analyse the significance of reverse engineering in image steganography and describe the usage of IDA Pro tool.
4. Design a main menu in your programming and list down the name of above four (4) proposed shapes. When you choose a particular option the system will show the equivalent shape on the screen only by using numbers and any character not allowed to construct the shapes.
5. You are expected to demonstrate creativity in developing the application using assembly language prototype that can deal with the requirements of the developer as well as addressing (if necessary) any other aspects of control of the main menu of the application.
6. You have to work on the prototype individually.
7. You are permitted to make assumptions where necessary. These assumptions are expected to be logical and must be appropriate for the situation at hand.
8. There will be a presentation towards the submission date of the project. You are expected to demonstrate how your system is capable of addressing the requirements of the developer.
9. The submission of your project should entail the following items:
a. Mainly the documentation highlighting the following:
i. How the requirements have been addressed by the developing language, uses of low level programming languages nowadays, applications in assembly language and provide the self-reflections with justification?
ii. System Design using flowchart.
b. The user manual or guide that can explain how your system works. This will be based on your system application.
10. Your completed documentation should meet the following requirements:
- Table of contents for every detailed section
- Introduction on Assembly Language
- Research and Analysis
- Evaluation
- System Design using flowchart
- System Screenshot
- Source Code
- Limitation
- Conclusion
- Self-Reflection
- References
- Appendices if necessary
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