Assignment Task
The creation of documentation as set out by your class teacher will form part of the project portfolio. This will involve completing in-class tasks (observation of completion of these in class time will be required). A task completed without class observation done may result in an “unsatisfactory” result. All tasks must be satisfactorily completed.
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Part A – Construction methods
Refer to the plans provided Proposed Commercial & Residential Development and address each of the following:
1. Based on the plans, and assuming Class M soil classification, consider 2 different methods for:–
- The excavation (including shoring)
- Describe the various methods of site testing and examination, and the probable findings, that would have resulted in the use of ‘piered’ footings
- Describe in detail the installation/application of any form pest control appropriate to the building that you have selected
- the basement construction technique; covering footings, floor and walls
- waterproofing to achieve
- wet basement
- dry (tanked) basement
In presenting your information, provide a detailed sketch (half page) and in point form, explain the technique. Do this in one page for each item (that is, six pages in total)
2. What parts of the structural provisions of the NCC are relevant to these types of construction? List, with a brief statement of relevance.
Part B – Construction materials.
1. Conduct / complete a Building Code assessment using Section C of the NCC. Put your results in a table.
2. Based on your assessment:-
• Explain what type of façade would comply (provide at least 2 examples). Provide any product brochures that justify your answer.
• Explain what types of internal walls (and doors) are required, where they are required and why. You must consider all storeys. Provide any product brochures that justify your answer.
3. Using the materials/products you have just researched –
• Explain how the materials/products are installed and
• At what stage of the construction they are installed (for both the façade and internal walls).
Part C – Services
1. The building is located in an area that is “Climate Zone – 6”, and the developer is proposing to control the temperature to the Class 2 part of the building using air conditioning. Based on this information you are to:
• Provide recommendations to comply with Part J of the NCC specifically Clause J3.4 & Clause J3.6.
• Provide any product brochures that will achieve the relevant energy efficiency for the building.
• Include any diagrams (you may sketch a proposal that will comply with this clause)
Part D – BCA Definitions
1. Define, quoting mathematical formulae (and referencing your source) the following generic engineering terms:
• Force;
• Stress;
• Strain;
• Bending moment;
• Deflection; and
• Shear.
2. Provide a list of DTS compliant claddings identified in Volume 1 of BCA.
3. In accordance with the Building Code of Australia, describe the process by which a Performance Solution may be approved with regards to Fire Safety may be assessed and by whom in your State or Territory.
1. Element of Learning 1 -Analyse construction methods for commercial buildings included in classes 2-9
1.1 Sources of information relating to traditional, new and emerging construction methods for classes 2 to 9 buildings are identified and evaluated, and information is gathered, stored and updated according to workplace procedures
1.2 Information relating to methods for site investigation and preparation is analysed and recorded.
a. Describe the role of the Building Surveyor/Certifier in your State or Territory in the demolition procedure (and approval of the same) of any pre-existing building having particular regard to asbestos and any police notification.
b. Describe the various methods of site testing and examination, and the probable findings, that would have resulted in the use of ‘piered’ footings.
c. Describe the processes, with annotated drawings (not necessarily hand drawn sketches) by which a site may be stabilised with specific regard to:
1. Underpinning;
2. Dewatering; and
3. At least one other method of ground stabilisation of your choice.
d. Explain the role of the Building Surveyor/Certifier in your State or Territory, in conjunction with other occupations and professions, in the approval and execution of the above.
1.3 Information relating to applying different construction methods to foundations and footings is analysed and recorded.
a. Quoting the legislation/regulations explain who is responsible for the approval of both the footings and foundation conditions in your State or Territory
b. By use of fully annotated sectional hand drawn sketches (NOT photo-copied or duplicated CAD details) describe:
1. The installation of any shoring to the ‘walls’ of the excavation and/or the installation of an permanent or temporary anchors (including grouted, mechanical or rock anchors);
2. The construction of any retaining walls to any underground car parking, basement or cellar;
3. The tanking and /or installation of membranes to any underground car park, basement or cellar;
4. The method of permanent water exclusion to any underground car park, basement or cellar; and
5. The installation of any damp proof courses to the lowest occupied portions of the building.
c. Describe in detail the installation/application of any form pest control appropriate to the building that you have selected.
1.4 Information relating to applying different construction methods to structural and supporting systems is analysed and recorded.
a. Citing the relevant clauses of the BCA, describe what are:
1. Earthquake zones;
2. Cyclonic areas;
3. The procedure for approval of both the footings and the structure for the same in your State or Territory; and
4. Broadly, what effect do these differences in geographical locations and climatic conditions have upon the design and certification of the structure of buildings?
b. Define, quoting mathematical formulae (and referencing your source) the following generic engineering terms:
1. Force;
2. Stress;
3. Strain;
4. Bending moment;
5. Deflection; and
6. Shear.
c. By use of fully annotated sectional hand drawn sketches describe:
1. The reinforcement necessary for a cantilevered concrete balcony;
2. The reinforcement expected in a ‘two way’ suspended concrete floor slab;
3. The reinforcement expected in a ‘one way’ suspended concrete floor slab;
4. A reinforced concrete beam supporting a suspended concrete floor
d. By use of fully annotated sectional hand drawn sketches (NOT photo-copied or duplicated CAD details) describe the reinforcement expected in a reinforced concrete column, noting how twisting, buckling and compression is overcome.
e. By use of fully annotated sectional hand drawn sketches (NOT photo-copied or duplicated CAD details) describe:
1. How what would otherwise be a maximum bending moment occurring mid-span of a portal frame is overcome;
2. Rigid, semi-rigid and flexible connections in structural steel;
3. The method of bracing a portal frame; and
4. Who is responsible for:
– Approval of workshop drawings
– Certifying that all connections – bolted and welded – have been correctly carried out to the correct torque and depth respectively
– That the frame is plumb and appropriately braced
f. By use of fully annotated sectional hand drawn sketches (NOT photo-copied or duplicated CAD details) describe the structure of a trussed roof, naming the function of each component.
1.5 Information relating to applying different construction methods to enclosing systems is analysed and recorded.
a. Citing the relevant clauses of Volume 1 of the BCA, identify the Type of Construction, and how the external cladding of the building you have chosen (or those provided) complies (with specific reference to fire rating).
b. Describe the materials used finish to the external face of the external walls.
c. By use of fully annotated sectional hand drawn sketches of the:
1. External wall – highlighting the method of fixture for any external cladding, internal lining and insulation/sarking – noting on a marked up plan where the section ‘was taken’;
2. The head and sill flashing details to any window; and
3. Roof – including installation details of flashing, insulation and membranes.
2. Element of Learning 2 -Analyse construction materials for commercial buildings included in classes 2-9
2.1 Information relating to applying different construction materials to foundations and footings is analysed and recorded.
a. What factors have to be taken into account when placing concrete in deep footings such as piles?
b. Cite the inspections required (and the enabling legislation/regulation) and by whom, prior to the placement of concrete to the footings in your State or Territory.
2.2 Information relating to applying different construction materials to structural and supporting systems is analysed and recorded.
a. Describe the limitations of both:
1. Extruded bricks; and
2. Dry pressed bricks When used in load bearing walls
3. Describe the different purpose of mortar when used in stone masonry as opposed to brick masonry?
2.3 Information relating to applying different construction materials to enclosing systems is analysed and recorded.
a. A material has been specified which is manufactured overseas, how does
1. Certifier verify its compliance with the BCA in your State or Territory – both of the material but of the construction details for its installation?
2. Describe what is meant by incompatible materials when referring to roofing and guttering
3.What is meant by a ‘thermal bridge’?
2.4 Construction materials are evaluated in relation to different geographical locations and climatic conditions, and strengths and weaknesses for particular contexts are noted.
a. Describe the effect of cold temperatures upon the use or mortar
b. Describe the effect of hot weather upon the placement of concrete
c. Describe the mechanism of condensation
2.5 Construction materials are evaluated for fire resistance and performance for particular building occupancies and usage.
a. In accordance with the Building Code of Australia, describe the process by which an Alternate Solution may be approved with regards to Fire Safety may be assessed and by whom in your State or Territory.
b. The Door Furniture to a Fire Door is to be changed, with whom does the Building Surveyor check in order to ascertain this is possible, and who can carry out this work.
c. Describe the process of testing and approving a Fire Door, what are typical materials used?
3. Element of Learning 3 -Analyse information relating to service provision for commercial buildings included in Classes 2-9
3.1 Information relating to options for energy supply and infrastructure is analysed and recorded.
a. Describe the installation of the Fire Control Board, citing its location, required signage, and construction of its cabinet/room, and relevant clauses of the ncc.
b. Describe the installation of the Water Supply Meter(s), citing their location, required signage, and construction of its cabinet and/or plinth, and relevant clauses of the NCC.
c. Describe the installation of the Gas Supply Meter(s), citing their location, required signage, and construction of its cabinet and/or plinth, and relevant clauses of the NCC.
d. Describe the installation of the Electricity Meter Board(s), citing their location, required signage, and construction of its cabinet and/or plinth, and relevant clauses of the NCC.
e. Describe the installation of the any data, telephonic and electronic cabling with the Telstra, NBN or similar networks
3.2 Information relating to options for heating and cooling systems is analysed and recorded.
a. Explain by use of fully annotated sectional sketches:
1. How passive ventilation principles were utilised; and
2. The installation of any insulation, the use of airspace, and how thermal breaks were achieved (explaining why the latter were necessary).
b. Describe the installation of the various components of the various parts of the air conditioning system used.
3.3 Information relating to options for fire protection is analysed and recorded.
a. How fire protection is attained through passive means for:
1. The Building Envelope, citing:
– The type of construction (Type A, B, or C) in required in accordance with Volume 1 of the BCA (with specific clauses quoted) and how this was achieved, to be explained by use fully annotated sectional sketches.
2. The fire rating required in accordance with Volume 1 of the BCA (with specific clauses quoted) to the walls and ceiling and floor of the:
– Gas Store;
– Plant Room; and
– Lift Shaft.
b. How fire protection is attained through means of:
1. Smoke detectors, citing type and location;
2. Fire alarms, citing type and location;
3. Extinguishers, citing type and location; and
4. Hydrants and hose reels, citing location.
3.4 Information relating to options for gas and hydraulic service supply and infrastructure is analysed and recorded.
a. Mark up the plans of the building so as to show the water supply for the building complete with all valves and fixtures.
b. Mark up the plans of the building so as to show the sewerage and other drainage for the building complete with all pits, valves etc.
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