Assignment Task
Write A Report Of “Covid And Its Effects On The Uk Economy”. Based On Which You Will Give A Presentation. You Should Cover The Following Areas.
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Get Help Now!1. Report on recent trends and how COVID affected the economy using what you consider to be appropriate economic variables. You should comment on 4 variables which you should choose based on their importance for business and for economic policy, providing a brief justification for your choice. You should provide data on both the previous five years (using annual data -this will tell you how the situation in more recent months has changed from the trend in the preceding 3 or 4 years and previous six quarters (a quarter is a 3 month period denoted e.g. by Q1 for the first three months of the year – this will give you a more “close-up” picture of how things have changed as the UK recession “bottomed out” and turned to recovery) for the variables you comment on. Where monthly data is easier to obtain, you can use the previous 18 months data.
2. Explain what you think is likely to happen to the economy over the next year or so. Make reference to any important policy announcements, such as the Budget, policy rate etc. Wherever possible you should explain the basis of your analysis using appropriate economic theories, concepts and models (for example, the life-cycle theory of consumption, the 45-degree line diagram, the IS-LM model, the AD-AS model). You should consider fiscal, monetary and supply-side policy.
Your presentation/report will be assessed according to the following criteria:
Understanding of the topic.
Proper use of theoretical ideas to guide the analysis. Correct use of terminology. Ability to explain ideas and events. Ability to explain how COVID affected the economy. Ability to compare and contrast different policy actions. Evidence of an informed decision about what areas to concentrate on in the report.
Relevance/Implications for Business.
Have implications been brought out. Has a reasoned case been made for which factors most affect business.
Depth of analysis and evidence.
Ability to go beyond mere description of events or policies and explain why they have taken a particular form and what their significance is. Quantity and quality of evidence underpinning major points/conclusions. Ability to identify and assess potential alternative scenarios e.g. significant changes in policy relative to the one considered most likely. Ability to use theoretical models to underpin the analysis e.g. 45-degree line diagram, IS-LM model, AD-AS model, lifetime consumption theory. Such analysis should be supported by appropriate diagrams.
Presentation and communication skills.
Logical sequence to the report. Proper introduction and conclusion. Clear tables, diagrams and referencing, including clear statement of the source of any data presented. Good use of English and fluent style.
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