Assignment Task
Learning Outcomes:
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Get Help Now!This assessment covers the following learning outcomes:
- LO1: Evaluate the performance and compatibility of materials and finishes used in buildings.
Part A: Material selection and appraisals.
Go to the BRANZ website and select a minimum of six New Zealand products which have been appraised by BRANZ and are suitable for use in the construction industry.
For each material selected, complete the following.
- What is the product?
- What is the scope of the appraisal?
- Summarise the NZ Building Code provisions met.
- Summarise the technical specifications.
- What is the handling and storage?
Part B: Selecting materials for building systems/elements.
Selecting building materials for building systems or elements requires you to look for documents such as guarantees, warranties, BRANZ certificates/appraisals, engineer’s certificates, manufacturer’s specifications, compliance with NZ Standards, compliance with the NZ Building Code, exclusions and limitations.
1. Using the house from the house building company you selected in Assessment 2, choose a roofing system that complies with the requirements of the NZ Building Code and specify the:
- Roof cladding material
- Roof battens
- Underlay
- Fixings
- Roof insulation.
Ensure you include references to all source material to demonstrate compliance for your roofing system.
2. A new client has approached you and requested advice on galvanised corrugated steel roofing for a 30-degree traditional roof.The client’s home is located in Zone B. Please provide the product and technical specifications in the table below using the following headings.
(i) Durability: Refer to the NZ Building Code B2 Durability. What are the durability requirements for the whole roofing system?
(ii) Fixings: Select and specify appropriate fixings for the selected roof cladding material.
(iii) Underlay: Check the manufacturer’s specifications for a recommended underlay and select a recommended product. Stipulate the product grade and application.
(iv) Purlins: Referring to NZS: 3604, select a purlin size, grade, and timber treatment for the roofing system.
3. Using your summary list of roof system materials in Table 1.1 (above), complete the following.
(i) Confirm durability of your materials for the exposure zone using one of the following.
- NZ Building Code E2/AS1 Table 20
- NZS: 3604:2011 Section 4
- Other relevant Standards
- Manufacturer’s specifications.
(i) For the materials selected in your roofing system specify and reference any warranties or guarantees for the materials selected.
(i)Appraise the roofing system you selected from a compatibility perspective. Think about the materials that will be in contact or be subject to water runoff and then:
- Confirm the compatibility of the roofing system materials you have selected in your above Table 1.1, using Tables 21 and 22 from the NZ Building Code E2 AS/1.
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