
Compose Texts in Different Modes, Media and Technologies – Arts & Humanities Assignment Help

Assignment Task


Learning Context
During Semester 1 you have completed a range of creative and reflective writing pieces to deepen your appreciation of the ways in which composers, including yourself, use textual elements and literary techniques to create purposeful texts. In this module, you have strengthened and extended your knowledge, skills and confidence as accomplished writers. You have written for a range of audiences and purposes using language to convey ideas and emotions with power and precision. You have also evaluated how writers use language creatively and imaginatively for a range of purposes; to express insights, evoke emotion, describe the wonder of the natural world, shape a perspective or to share an aesthetic vision. Throughout the module, you have developed an insight into the stages of drafting and revising in order to create a purposeful and meaningful text.
This assessment task requires you to showcase this developing understanding through your own creative and reflective writing.

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In this task you will be assessed on how well you:

  • Engage with the craft of writing including the drafting and editing process
  • Control language and structure appropriate to audience, purpose, context and form
  • Justify your writing decisions

Assessment Details

Part A 
Use one of the statements below to produce an original discursive or persuasive piece of writing that shapes a particular perspective. It should integrate at least ONE significant language device or stylistic feature you explored as part of your study of a prescribed text for Module A or C. 

1. “Everyone is a part of a story, what they want is to be part of something worth recording.”
Erin Morgenstern, The Starless Sea
2. “Literature gives voice.”

  • You may choose to use any form for your piece of writing such as speech, monologue, essay, etc.
  • You should apply your understanding of the language concepts and literary devices studied in Module A or Module C.
  • Your written piece must be influenced by one of the prescribed texts studied in Module A or Module C. 

Part B 
You are to write a reflective statement that specifically explains, justifies and evaluates your language choices in composing your piece of writing. You will also need to explain how at least ONE of your prescribed texts from Module A or C has influenced the response. You must reflect on your skills and knowledge as a writer.

In your reflective statement, you must include:

  • an outline of your intended purpose and audience
  • justify the relationship between the quote you have chosen and the emotion
  • an explanation and justification of your significant literary device, as well as how other language choices are related to at least one of the prescribed Module A or C texts
  • how your writing style has enabled you to achieve this purpose and connect with the audience
  • an explanation of why you have chosen the concern or idea
  • explain how your study of The Craft of Writing has enabled you to create an engaging piece of writing. 

Syllabus Outcome

  • Uses, evaluates and justifies processes, skills and knowledge required to effectively respond to and compose texts in different modes, media and technologies
  • Critically analyses and uses language forms, features and structures of texts justifying appropriateness for specific purposes, audiences and contexts and evaluates their effects on meaning
  • Strategically adapts and applies knowledge, skills and understanding of language concepts and literary devices in new and different contexts
  • Thinks imaginatively, creatively, interpretively, critically and discerningly to respond to, evaluate and compose texts that synthesise complex information, ideas and arguments
  • Reflects on, evaluates and monitors own learning and refines individual and collaborative processes as an independent learner

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