Assignment Task
Report on Comparative Analysis of Design Codes
Write a report (choose a topic from the list of design topics for Autumn Session 2022) that highlights the important differences between AS3600 or AS4100 and the corresponding design codes that you became familiar with in your undergraduate degree.
For International Students, there are likely to be fundamental differences between load factors and the working stress and limit states approach to design in your undergraduate degree country of study and current practice in Australia4
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It is recommended that the significant differences in design approaches are highlighted through a single design example (choose a design topic from the list above), and conclusions are drawn on how you would alter your design approach if you were to practice as a professional design consultant in Australia.
The written report should be comprised of the following components/sections:
1. Title page (including student name and university identification)
2. Abstract/Summary
3. Table of Contents
4. Introduction
5. A worked example using the design code followed in undergraduate degree
6. Design the same example using Australian Standards
7. Discussions on similarities and differences in design approaches
8. Conclusions and Recommendations
9. References
Requirment Scale
- Overall presentation 2. Clear and logical structure directed at components 1-9 above versus no apparent structure / minimal preparation
- The Abstract/Summary should summarise the contents of the report indicating the significant outcome.
- The Introduction should introduce the design report signifying the importance of the report in achieving the learning outcome specified in the subject outline. The student may draw the experience in the previous design codes or constructed practices they were involved in prior to learning CIVL911.
- A detailed solution of a design problem (from the specified topics). The solutions should be written in detail with references to the design code clauses followed in the undergraduate studies. It should be written in a way that another person could easily follow the solutions. All the symbols and formulae should be explained adequately.
- The same design problem should be solved based on Australian Standards. The solutions should be written in detail with references to the Australian Standards. It should be written in a way that another person could easily follow the solutions. All the symbols and formulae should be explained adequately.
- The Discussions should explain the similarities and differences in the design codes with respect to the design problem.
- The Conclusions and Recommendations should contain the significant outcome of the report with comments on the application of the design codes (which code is better and why. How you would alter your design approach if you were to practice as a professional design consultant in Australia).
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