Impact of Nurse-Patient Relationship on Quality of Care
Molina-Mula & Gallo-Estrada (2020), Impact of Nurse-Patient Relationship on Quality of Care and Patient Autonomy in Decision-Making, conducted research with an aim to highlight a nurse-patient interaction and its consequences for clinical practice, quality care, as well as patients’ judgement ability. They demonstrated how the nurse-patient connection might alter the patient’s ability for autonomy for decision-making. Even though it is a wonder that is influenced by a variety of extra elements like interprofessional partnerships, the healthcare institution, and care paradigms, it is still a reality. The examined literature demonstrates that patients place a premium on trust in their connection with the caregiver. The patient believes the nurse but also defers to their judgement. The article concludes that a reasonable distribution of power permits patients to make decisions about their healthcare and disease procedures autonomously, with the help of experts (Molina-Mula & Gallo-Estrada, 2020). The nurse-patient communication should not mainly seek to amend the patient’s traditions and culture, but instead, to set the profession as an observer to the patient’s and family’s experiences of the healthcare and sickness processes.
This research demonstrates that a patient lacks autonomy in making care choices as a result of the nurse’s connection with the patient, among many other factors. These aspects sum up the existing state of affairs in a hospital environment and the capacity of the client to make choices about the kind of treatment they desire from a nurse’s viewpoint (Molina-Mula & Gallo-Estrada, 2020). The information provided within the article is based on the interviews that were conducted. The participants in the interview were nursing professionals. Therefore, the information provided in the article is quite reliable but there can be a biasness in the information, as the nurses belonged to the same demographic area. Due to this, the information present in articles may vary with that of the demographics. The article is well researched and supported, a lot of studies has been considered for reaching to the conclusion (Molina-Mula & Gallo-Estrada, 2020). The article is objective, since the information present in the article is based on the interviews on taken, rather than the biased opinion of the author. The information present in the article aligns with the information present in other articles. Multiple studies have earlier demonstrated how the nurses and patients’ relation can impact the autonomy of the patient. The nurse continuously defends each care choice in terms of the patient’s advantage, without allowing for their autonomy (Molina-Mula & Gallo-Estrada, 2020). When confronted with a clinical scenario, experts make decisions based on scientific facts. The sort of interaction with patient has a direct effect on the effectiveness of treatment. The relationship between patient’s autonomy and their relationship with nurse is easily demonstrated when one of the nurses in an interview conducted in this study stated that “I believe that patients are left to carry a lot for us. They do not assume much prominence in their care, I think. They get carried away by us … everything we tell them is what they believe. If we say that the pain comes from there, they believe it and it is already” (Molina-Mula & Gallo-Estrada, 2020). The nurse understands that a positive connection benefits the patient’s quality of life and recuperation (Molina-Mula & Gallo-Estrada, 2020). Many of these patient perceptions entails a distinct function and attitudes on the part of the nurse. The findings of records reveal that, prior to a patient refusing, the nurse assumes an expert position that comprises persuasion and compulsion in order to accomplish the intended therapeutic purpose.
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From the article, a clear understanding of how the relationship of nurse and patient, can have a direct impact on decision taking authority of the patient. Although, most of the times, the decisions taken by the nurses are evidence based. But it should not interfere with patient’s rights to take decisions for themselves. After reading this article, the other topic I can further research from this article is to demonstrate the extent to which this impact can occur on patients. Therefore, both the positive and negative impact of nurse-patient relationship on patient can be determined. Apart from this, the research can also be conducted to determine if the nurses can develop resilience due to the positive nurse-patient relationship. The area of research that can be explored related to this topic is the impact of empathy on patients of different age groups.
Teófilo et al. (2019) Empathy in The Nurse–Patient Relationship in Geriatric Care: An Integrative Review, conducted a review of the scientific literature on the nurse–patient interaction in geriatric treatment in view of empathy. This literature review aids in healthcare decision and the building of conceptual, empirical, and instructional foundations for reintroducing the importance of empathic interactions into the profession. Empathy is critical to the effectiveness of nursing practise (Teófilo et al., 2019). Empathy levels improve whenever activities are designed to educate, sensitise, and train care professionals and older adults about relationship care. The same holds true for instances of aggressiveness or violence in a senior care environment. This is supported by research indicating that empathy or empathic aptitude is a critical component of successful teaching and training programs. The author clearly states that “Open to a range of interpretations, empathy is related to sensitivity, sociability, adaptability, and consideration in nursing. For older people, empathy is among the main characteristics of a good nurse.” (Teófilo et al., 2019). Empathy is associated with growth on emotional, cognitive, and behavioural levels, as well as with relational compassion and care throughout therapeutic process. As a result, it is vital to ascertain the existing state of the knowledge on this subject (Teófilo et al., 2019). Empathy throughout the nurse–patient interaction is a critical ethical component of geriatric care and may result in advantages directly connected to the effectiveness of professional nursing practise (Teófilo et al., 2019). These approaches cultivate human experiences which surpass professional abilities. Empathy is a challenging concept to comprehend and quantify, since it entails the synthesis of abilities derived through networks of the interpersonal interactions.
The purpose of the article is to determine the impact of empathy on nurse-patient interaction within the geriatric care. The article is secondary research because of which the information present in the article may vary based on the opinions of authors of primary research. (Teófilo et al., 2019). The article is well researched, all the points present in the articles are well referenced and provided a good detail of the topic which is being discussed. The article is an objective article, wherein the information provided in the article is based on the information presented by other authors. The information presented is based on the research cited, instead of the author’s prejudiced view (Teófilo et al., 2019). The information included in this article corresponds to that contained in other articles. The information present in the article definitely aligns with the information provided by the previous authors in the literature.
The article demonstrated the impact of empathy in geriatric care. It depicts how nurses can form nurse-patient relationship based on the empathy. This article has helped me in understanding that it is the behaviour of nurses which can impact the patient’s progress towards treatment. After reading this article, the other topic that I can further research from this article is the different other factors that can be explored to determine their impact on geriatric patients. As the older patients are very much vulnerable towards behavioural change, therefore, analysing the impact of different behaviours on the health of geriatric patients. Empathy is an essential element of nursing care and is closely tied to nursing’s caring practices. Empathy within nursing can be characterized as a nurse’s ability to understand her patients’ emotions, experience, and psychological capabilities. Empathy is essential for developing a solid nurse-patient relationship as well as delivering effective nursing care. Nurses that show empathy for their patients’ sickness experiences will discover that their connection will be strengthened.
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