
CHCCDE012-Community Development Plan Report Writing – Sociology Assignment Help

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In this project you are required to work within community and government structures to enable community development processes. You are required to complete 7 tasks.
Each task is described in detail in the project instructions. Ensure you demonstrate a sound understanding of the topic and that your project work demonstrates application of the assessment requirements.
Throughout the project there are multiple uploads onto MOODLE required. Ensure you check with your assessor if you are unsure or need further guidance. All individual Assessment tasks must be submitted by the due date set in MOODLE.

You work at the City of Joondalup and your team focuses on Youth Development. The city has developed a comprehensive strategy in the City’s COMMUNITY
DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2015 – 2020 with the aim to deliver and facilitate key projects over a five-year period to address a variety of challenges present within the community. The plan is available on MOODLE!
One of the key aspirations of this document is Community Wellbeing promoting that “the City has world-class facilities and a thriving cultural scene”. It supports local organisations and community groups.
It promotes that “Community spirit is felt by all residents and visitors, who live in safe and friendly neighbourhoods”. As a result, the City aims to deliver on this aspiration through this plan.
While the City recognises it has a significant role to play in community development and fulfilling this aspiration; the responsibility for 

Developing the City is also shared across various partners and stakeholders including:

  •  Commonwealth Government agencies
  •  State Government agencies
  •  Non-Government organisations
  •  Private Sector organisations
  •  Community groups and organisations.

Assessment Instructions
You are part of the Youth Program Division which aims to deliver opportunities for youth liaison, mentoring and outreach programs that positively engage and influence youth within the community. Your manager has asked to complete the following tasks:

1. Identify aspects of the City of Joondalup’s Youth Program structure, philosophy and processes to support community development work including:
a. Management and Governance structure.
b. Purpose of the Youth Program and how the City aims to supports community development work. Conduct a research on how this fits around federal & state community/ welfare and other programs.
c. Lines of decision-making and accountability.
d. Documentation of decisions and processes and accessibility to all involved.

2. Assess extent to which organisation supports community development work to allow successful planning for aspects of the management structure,
philosophy and purpose, governance structures, policies and procedures analysing

a. Support of community development work
b. Potential unspoken barriers to that work

3. Utilise all levels of government for community development activities and projects available to the City of Joondalup including
a. Research all levels of government that provide community funding and identify current and possible future funding sources! Find and include a
sample application form for a grant!
b. Plan for government policy barriers and, with community members, identify strategies to support change
c. Develop strategic alliances between City of Joondalup, community members and relevant government agencies – create a visual overview and describe how those alliances can be established, nurtured, and maintained!
d. Describe processes on how to proactively seek opportunities to influence government decision and policy making whilst incorporating and adhering
to relevant commonwealth, state/territory and local government legal requirements

4. Maintain the profile of community development work within the organization including
a. Identify and use formal and informal networks
b. Convey information through a range of communication media and activities
c. Seek and utilize opportunities to promote community development work and activities

5. Prepare a comprehensive and accurate report to management on opportunities of community development activities and projects to facilitateeffective and informed deliberations and decision-making including
a. Give advice to management of political, social, cultural and economic trends incorporating and meeting overarching Policy and Procedures
b. Identify common problems or conflict situations when implementing procedures policies and community or public issues and describe conflict
resolution strategies to resolve issues!
c. Give examples on how to regularly update information to keep all stakeholders informed about current legal/ health requirements based on the recent Covid19 scenario!

6. Create Power Point Presentation and present REPORT to relevant stakeholders and management and seek feedback prior to final approval!
Upload the PPT saved as a PDF onto MOODLE

7. Improve Report based on the feedback from all stakeholders and save Report as a PDF, naming the file StudentName_Report_FInal and upload onto MOODLE!

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