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Get Help Now!IT projects often involves modelling with object-oriented programming and solving with various efficient programming code structures. This set of small to medium project tasks try to prepare you for working on larger real-life industry IT projects.
After completing this final project assessment, you should have developed skills to demonstrate that you can:
• Write code for problem solving
• Write classes that are subclasses of other classes
• Write code that overrides behaviour of inherited methods.
• Write code that exploits the benefits of polymorphism
• Observe/apply principles of good object-oriented design
• Use a simple Graphical User Interface (GUI) to demonstrate the project requirement.
Project 1: Java Application with Loops, Methods, and Arrays.
1. Study the following java application program and then do the steps below with the first two being question answering and the latter two are programming based.
a. What does the add method do on line 12? The add method on line 12 belongs to which class?
b. What is the use of the break statement on line 14? Why is the while loop preferred on line 10 and the for loop is preferred on line 20?
c. Add a method sortNames to the program to sort the names in ascending order and then use this method in the displayNames method to display the sorted names instead.
d. Finally, write another similar new application program called Ages with a method similar to getNames to read from JOptionPane and return an array of ages instead of ArrayList where age is of type int. Then add another method similar to displayNames for displaying the array of ages. Finally, add a method to find and return the minimum age. In the main method, display an array of ages user entered as well as the minimum age.
Project 2: Java OOP – Objects and Classes
Part 1: Warming up: object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts (10%)
Write about 500-1000 words’ report to explain what you have learnt in the OOP class lectures 8-11. Use appropriate examples (e.g., written, visual, or code) to illustrate your understanding on your selection of at least 4 relevant OOP concepts. Finally, reflect your understanding on the OOP applications existing in the real world and their potential impact to the common good. Include references where necessary.
Part 2: Object-oriented programming (OOP) case study implementation (30%)
2.1 Background
The classes you write will be to represent a variety of product types available at a supermarket. They will all have a common method to produce multiple lines of output suitable to be included in a docket. However, depending on what type of product it is, this output will contain different sort of information.
For all product items, the output (for a docket) should include the following. Feel free to make the format you like.
• The ID of product item
• The name of the product item
• The type of the product item
• The price of the item
• The amount of the price which is a tax-component (explained next)
Depending on the type of product, the following additional information should be output:
• If it is a Fresh Fruit item, the weight of the item (e.g., the Apple is 100 grams, the watermelon is 1200 grams).
• If it is a Packaged item, the quantity of units in the package (e.g., 4 eggs in the package, 20 chocolate bars in the bag), and a use-by date.
The tax-component is calculated from the price of the item, and the following rates are used:
• For Fresh Fruit items, 0%
• For Packaged items, 10% of the price
2.2 Detailed Tasks
1. (3%) Create a class named Product to be the superclass of all products. It should have suitable constructors to aid with polymorphic behaviour and contain suitable attributes to store the information that is common to all product types (but whose values vary for each instance of that product type), and appropriate accessors. The class also contains a generic toString() method.
2. (3%) Create a class to represent Fresh Fruit items. It should be a subclass of the class Product. Ensure that it contains appropriate attributes to store additional information specific to fresh fruit. Ensure that there is a suitable constructor, mutators to set all values appropriately, and that there are appropriate accessors to obtain all information relevant to fresh fruit. Override toString() method so that it returns all relevant information related to the fresh fruit.
3. (3%) Create a class to represent Packaged items. It should be a subclass of the class made in task 1. Ensure that it contains appropriate attributes to store additional information specific to packaged items. Ensure that there is a suitable constructor, mutators to set all values appropriately, and that there are appropriate accessors to obtain all information relevant to packaged items. Override toString() method so that it returns all relevant information related to the Packaged items.
4. (15%) Create a driver class which will have a main method and following functionalities.
• Create at least 5 Fresh Fruits items and 5 packaged items and display them on the console as a product menu for customers.
• Ask user to select the products that they want to buy by selecting the IDs.
• User can buy multiple products in one purchase. Also, for simplicity, assuming at most one item can be bought for each product.
• Display the docket which will have information about total amount due (including tax) and total tax value in purchase.
• Design and implement a simple Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the above-described customer purchasing process (self-study and investigation of java GUI is required).
5. (4%) Draw a UML class diagram for above mentioned product classes (except the driver class). Show all attributes, methods, and proper relationships between classes. Include the diagram and its description in the readme file.
6. (2%) Produce a brief readme file (with screenshots) describing about how your java project can be run (i.e., user manual) and what the program outputs look like (i.e., results/functionality demonstration), in addition to the previous project UML design requirement.
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