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Get Help Now!Recent years seem to have been characterised by an increase in partisanship around the world, such as the ideological differences between “leavers” and “remainers” in the Brexit debate or between pro-Trump and anti-Trump factions in the US. These ideological differences have been linked to a range of negative outcomes such as increased incidence of hate crimes against minorities, psychological uncertainty and distress, and the rise of “fake news” and “filter bubbles”. In response, politicians and governments are increasingly seeking ways to bridge partisan divides, reduce prejudice and discrimination, and facilitate greater community spirit. Drawing on the applied social identity approach detailed by Haslam, (2014), create a plan to develop and evaluate an intervention targeting a current socially problematic ideology-based behaviour. Detail how your approach is specifically designed to target behaviour within the intergroup domain, and how it will overcome resistant factors that may prevent change. Changing behaviour is the bread a butter of psychology, yet models of behaviour change have rarely focused specifically on ethical behaviour. This has implications for interventions, as people may become defensive in response to allegations that characterize their actions as unethical or immoral. Whether it is about challenging people’s consumption of meat, their environmental stewardship, or subtle acts of dishonesty that may be pervasive within an organizational context or society more broadly (e.g., tax evasion), effecting behaviour change requires that a person first acknowledges their current actions as unethical or harmful in some way. Drawing on the motivational account of morally troublesome behaviour detailed by Bastian & Loughnan (2017), develop an intervention targeting a common yet morally problematic behaviour. Detail how your approach is designed to specifically target behaviour within the ethical domain, and how it will overcome resistance factors that may prevent change.
You have pretty much free rein here in terms of topics, but each essay should adhere to the following logic:
1) Identify and define the problem (including key outcome variables of interest)
2) Review the social psychological literature that frames how to understand this problem
3) Based on this review, identify the factors that may facilitate and/or present barriers to behaviour change in relation to this problem
4) Following from this analysis, propose an intervention to address the problem you identified
5) Describe how this intervention could be assessed and evaluated
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