
BSBTEC401 Design and Produce Complex Text Report Writing – Diploma of Business Assignment Help

Assignment Task


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What :-

You are required to read the case study below and follow the instructions to prepare a Style Guide that establishe documentation standards and design for the organisation. You will also be required to show that you can set up your workstation in an ergonomically appropriate manner.

Part A: Ergonomics/setting up your workstation :

As a new employee to Stringray, your Office Manager (teacher) wants to ensure that you use safe ergonomic practices. The Office Manager (teacher) will be asking you some questions about office ergonomics and you will be also be asked to demonstrate some practical skills on how to implement the principles of ergonomics.

1. In your own words explain what ergonomics means as it applies in the Stingray workplace?

2. Give two (2) reasons explaining why it is important to set up your workstation to suit you?

3. What are two (2) specific things you must do to set up your workstation to suit your specific requirements?

4. What two (2) things should you do in order to have breaks from your workstation?

5. You will be asked to demonstrate how you adjust your chair, your screen, your documents within your workstation to ensure that you understand how to use the safe practices of working at a workstation.

6. You will be asked to demonstrate two exercises you could use when taking breaks.

Part B- Develop a Style Guide for the organisation :

Utilising Word Styles create Style Guide for Stingray as follows:

1. Set up a report style document in Microsoft Word and include the following components:

a) Front Page design including the company logo

b) Table of Contents

c) List of Tables and Figures

2. Write an introduction to the Style Guide including the following:

a) Purpose of the Style Guide.

b) Identify organisational requirements when creating written business documents.

c) Establish the key design elements that will assist the document user to ensure all organisational documents are consistent in style and image.

d) Outline organisational and audience requirements for creating documents and presentation.

e) Explain what formatting styles are and their effect on formatting, readability, and appearance of documents.

3. Provide details of the organisational requirements the office staff must adhere to when creating and editing any document. Include the following topics and ensure referencing is used. References must appear as footnotes/endnotes is used for each source referenced.

a) Setting up an ergonomic workstation
b) WHS and safe work practices required
c) Breaks and exercise
d) Reducing paper wastage
e) Environmentally friendly computing
f) Copyright practices
g) Privacy and confidentiality and
h) Backup procedures

Questions asked: 

Question 1 :

In your own words explain what Ergonomics means as it applies in the Stingray workplace?

Question 2 :

Give two (2) reasons and explain why it is important to set up your workstation to suit you?

Question 3 :
What are two (2) things you must do to set up your workstation to suit your specific requirements?

Question 4 :
What two (2) things should you do in order to have breaks from your workstation?

Question 5 :
Please demonstrate how you adjust your chair, your screen, your documents and mouse within your workstation to ensure that you understand how to use the safe practices of working at a workstation.

Question 6 :

Please demonstrate two (2) exercises you can use when taking breaks>

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