Develop, implement and review workplace policies and procedures for sustainability.
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Get Help Now!- This performance task requires you to develop, implement and review workplace policies and procedures for sustainability.
- You are required to answer the questions below and then as the final task, format your responses into a Sustainability Policy document.
- Remember you can use your current workplace, a previous workplace OR one of the simulated business sites provided on the delivery schedule.
What organisation have you have selected for this project?
Please provide the name of the organisation, with a brief description and a link to any organisational websites and/or social media page links.
Explain the scope and objectives for the policy and procedure (what is the identified sustainability issue?):
- For example: Reducing water use, reducing energy use, introducing a paperless workplace, preventing pollution and damage to the immediate environment, reducing waste or increasing recycling within the business.
- Who will the organisation consult with to develop, implement and monitor/review this policy and procedure AND what tools will you use to seek and record this feedback?
- Organisations must consult with stakeholders to generate engagement when developing sustainability policy and procedures. For example, liaison with key industry bodies, staff, suppliers, board members, clients, engaged through company meetings, information sessions, client surveys or email correspondence.
List the sources of information that will be utilised to develop the sustainability policy and procedure:
To develop the sustainability policy, it is necessary to gather information from a variety of sources, for example legislation, existing company policies and procedures and external sources. If you require further details about the initiatives are below, please visit the applicable websites.
Sources may include the following:
- Global Reporting Initiative
- Green office program
- Greenhouse Challenge Plus (Australian Government initiative)
- ISO standards
- the Paris agreement
- the Kyoto protocol
- Department of the environment
- Government Acts, legislation and regulations, e.g. the EPBS Act
- Government agencies
- world’s best practice reports—with regard to sustainability
- the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in each state or territory
- research papers
- a range of different media and reporting services
- industry associations
- specialist sustainability practitioners, advisers and consultants
- the CSIRO
- education departments
- TAFEs and universities
- Once this information has been collected, students should provide an explanation as to how the information gathered and insights gained from internal and external stakeholders have been utilised within the policy and procedures.
Explain how the organisation will implement the sustainability policy and procedure:
For example, to support the implementation of workplace sustainability policies and procedures, a communication plan should be developed, and the following tools can also be utilised:
- appropriate resources must be available
- employees and other stakeholders must be informed
- feedback from stakeholders should be collected, analysed and used to adjust if needed
- there must be a good communication plan that is well executed
- employee queries and concerns should be fully addressed
- change management procedures should be introduced if needed
- training, coaching or mentoring should be facilitated as needed
What resources are required to implement sustainability policies and procedures and where will these be sourced from?
For example, resources may include the following:
- copies of the sustainability policies and procedures
- legislation and regulations
- external consultants and experts
- the internet
- sustainability research papers/ results
- advice from government agencies (Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment)
- advice from peak industry bodies
- environmental scans
- SWOT, PEST, PESTLE and analyses etc
- information about benchmarking and world’s best practice
- media releases and programs related to sustainability
How will the organisation implement the workplace sustainability policy and procedures into wider organisational policies and procedures?
For example, implementation of policies and procedures can include the following information:
- agreed outcomes of the policy and procedures
- policy timeframes and costs
- performance indicators
- activities to be undertaken
- assigned roles and responsibilities (position descriptions)
- record keeping, review and improvement processes.
What is the purpose of reviewing sustainability policies and procedures?
For example, to make modifications to the sustainability policies and procedures to incorporate advancements relating to inputs—supplies, staff, financial input, processes, process design and systems, work culture, product/service design, legislation and regulations, best practice benchmarks, changes in stakeholder and customer perceptions and opinions, new technology.
How will the organisation incorporate continuous improvement processes into the policy?
Students are required to explain how they will incorporate implementation and continuous improvement processes into the sustainability policy and procedures. For example:
- Policies should be adapted as problems, issues or opportunities for improvement are identified, as legislation changes and as the focus of different stakeholders or stakeholder groups evolves and ongoing opportunities for improvement are identified.
- Organisations may use data collection, process monitoring, KPIs, scanning of internal and external environments, analysis and evaluation processes and outputs (which includes waste) to ensure compliance with sustainability policy requirements, and to redesign processes and intensify Triple Bottom Line (TBL) or Triple top-line value production (TTL) as conditions change and new opportunities emerge.
How will the organisation track continuous improvements in sustainability approaches using recording systems?
For example: sustainability performance indicated by total organisational performance, financial inputs and outgoings, cost savings related to resource use, energy, waste, management of chemicals and hazardous substances.
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