Assignment Task
Description Of Simulated Case Study:
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You are working within a small consulting team that is consulting for a Brisbane-based university (you must specify a university, either Griffith, QUT or UQ) to help the client (hereafter named The University) understand more about how students choose their university and study program, and their satisfaction with their chosen university.
Background on the consulting task:
The University has invested significant resources to attract students in this increasingly competitive market. The University aims to become the leading university in Queensland in terms of its research Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the University lost significant enrolment from international markets, pushing the key decision makers within the University to refocus their efforts and investment back towards domestic students.
All key decision makers within the University have a strong belief that overall ranking and reputation is the most important factor that affects the choice of domestic students to enrol in the University across all study programs. In the past, executives were convinced that research reputation is the primary factor that determined its overall reputation and ranking. Based on this understanding, the University had shifted a significant amount of investment from teaching to research. Currently, a few decision makers have raised concerns that this could have negatively impacted its teaching reputation. They also believe that teaching reputation is equally important as research reputation from prospective students’ perspective.
The Faculty of Business has the largest number of students. The faculty has recently reformed its study programs, designing new study programs that offer a wide range of subjects that are very relevant to industry. The new programs have focus on providing future employability skills and connections to the industry. The faculty executive attributed these to its success in gaining more domestic students. Key decision makers in the University want to replicate this success in other faculties.
Unfortunately, this reform in the Faculty of Business has resulted in reductions in professional staff and increased administrative work for academic staff. From a recent staff survey, the majority of professional and academic members report that more administrative work has reduced their availability for students. Academic staff raised concerns that they did not have sufficient time and support in improving the subject matters and trying new methods to engage better with students.
Many academic staff argue that increased enrolment does not mean that students are satisfied with their business study program. They echoed that reduced class attendance leads to poor engagement, which then causes low satisfaction. They asked the faculty and university to consider significant reforms to improve class attendance because of the increased diversity of socio-economic and demographic backgrounds of students. The University would like to know more about these issues.
Recent data collected by Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) showed that student satisfaction dropped to an all-time low in recent years. Most students report very poor satisfaction in terms of student engagement. These data showed that student satisfaction for The University also dropped. On top of this, the University recorded the lowest response rates in their formal surveys on student satisfaction across all units in 2021. International research scholars opined that the issues of student satisfaction should be considered in relation to students’ overall life satisfaction and quality of life. The University agreed that while research in student choice and satisfaction is available, very little has been done for students in Queensland.
Using the same data that you were given in Assessment 2, conduct further analysis and present the
findings that are relevant to these new business requirements in a formal research report. The following
notes provide guidance for the structure of your Final Research Report:
1- Executive Summary: this section should summarise research objectives and research findings.
2- Business Understanding: this section should present:
- Understanding the project objectives and/or requirements from business perspectives, including any equity, ethical, and legal or regulatory imperatives;
- Understanding of research questions; and
- Converting these research questions into data analytics (modelling) problems.
3- Data Understanding & Modelling: this section should present:
- Descriptive analytics of key variables used and relevant diagrams,
- Key literature to explain and articulate important causal relationships and hypotheses,
- A directed graph to describe your casual modelling approach (see Lecture 9 for more details),
- Key literature to justify your choice of variables used in your analytical models, and
- Empirical results of multiple regression and logistic regression analysis.
It is expected that you estimate a set of models (with differing specifications of variables used in these models) and follow a “Systematic Model Building Approach” (see Lecture 10 for more details). You also need to submit your Excel file showing all modelling work as part of your submission. In your Excel file, you are required to report the key tasks done in a single separate sheet.
4- Evaluation: This section presents important results relevant to the research objectives and questions discussed in the Business Understand section. You should have estimated a set of models, hence you should:
- Provide a comparative analysis of your various models;
- Present your arguments or justification on the “most appropriate” model; and
- Interpret the results of the “most appropriate” model.
5- Recommendations: this section presents actionable recommendations based on the insights gained from your work in modelling and data analysis.
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