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Your focus needs to be on adverts that relate to consumer self-identity.
You may choose to focus on adverts or campaigns that have been utilised by an organisation that you work for.Can use another organisation too.
Aim to move beyond a pure description of advertising examples. Rather, aim to evaluate these within the context of relevant theory/ies.
Your essay should be focused on analysis and evaluation. Further contextual information (e.g. on the brands being examined) can be provided in the appendix.
Please provide visuals or succinct descriptors of any example adverts in the appendix.
1. Discussion related to consumer self-identity.
- Extended self the external objects we consider a part of our self-identity.
- Low-involvement hierarchy of effects the process of attitude formation for products or services that carry little risk or self-identity.
- Findings : Materialistic people also appear to link more of their self-identity to products. One
- study found that when people who score high on this value fear the prospect of dying, theyform even stronger connections to brands.
Chapter 6
Products often define aperson’s self-concept.many of the props and settings consumersuse to define their social roles become parts of their selves.Those external objects that we consider a part of us constitutethe extended self. Consumers continue to discover new ways to integrate man-made products intoour physical bodies. The use of foreign materials to replace or supplement human is not necessarily new,but recent advances in technology continue to erode the barrier between self and not self.some people do cherish possessions as if they werea part of them. In fact, some of us willingly (and perhaps eagerly) label ourselves asfanatics about a cherished product. Consider shoes, for example: You don’t have to beCarrie of Sex and the City fame to acknowledge that many people feel a strong bond totheir footwear. The singer Mariah Carey recently posted a photo of her huge shoe closeton Instagram and labeled it, “Always my favorite room in the house… #shoes #shoes#moreshoes
One study found that people commonly view their shoes as magical emblems of self,Cinderella-like vehicles for self-transformation. Based on data collected from consumers,the researcher concluded that (like their sister Carrie) women tend to be more attuned to the symbolic implications of shoes than men In addition to shoes, of course, many material objects—ranging from personalpossessions and pets to national monuments or landmarks—help to form a consumer’sidentity In one experiment, researchers approached women in a shopping mall and gavethem one of two shopping bags to walk around with for an hour. Women who receiveda bag from Victoria’s Secret later reported to the researchers that they felt more sensualand glamorous. In another experiment, MBA students were asked to take notes for 6weeks using a pen embossed with the MIT logo; they reported feeling smarter at the end of the term.
2. Brand image/ identity advertisement or advertising campaigns.
3. Discussion on the advertising objectives –
4. Use theories and advertising theories and consumer behavior theories for discussion.
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