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Get Help Now!Assessment : Applications of biostatistics to an epidemiological case study
In this assessment. you will take on the role of a public health consultant for the Victorian Association for Physical Activity (VAPA) (A fictitious organisation). VAPA has undertaken a program to explore the causes of a significant population health problem. diabetes in the Australian adult population. Download the HPO6002 SP5 2021 Assessment 2 Data (XLSX 40 KB) to view the data. 800 participants were surveyed and the following data was collected about the participants:
- sex:
- age:
- socioeconomic status (SES):
- smoking:
- alcohol consumption:
- physical activity:
- hypertension (high blood pressure): and
- blood glucose levels (during fasting).
VAPA want to understand the factors that may contribute to or be confounding towards. the development of diabetes and whether targeted interventions can be identified to reduce risk to diabetes. VAPA want to identify whether the high blood glucose levels (during fasting) is the same across all values of the variables.
Note: According to Diabetes Australia (n.d.), normal blood glucose levels (during fasting) are between 4.0-7.8mmol/L.
1. Provide an introduction to the study and the implications of diabetes as a significant public health issue in Australia.
2. Perform an analysis of variance (ANOVA) in SPSS to see the association between age category and smoking status with diabetes and present the data graphically and include the following:
a. standard error
b. t value
c. p-value
d. beta coefficients
e. graph.
3. Interpret and summarise your findings and provide SPSS output in the appendix.
4. Locale a study that explores one of your risk factors (sex, age. socioeconomic status (SES), smoking. alcohol consumption. physical activity, hypertension (high blood pressure)) in relation to diabetes in a diverse adult. population (e.g. CALD, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. LGBTQI+. Critically compare and contrast your findings. justifying any differences between the populations.
5. Provide a conclusion arid identification of 1 to 2 targeted interventions to reduce risk to diabetes within the population of the 800 participants who were surveyed. Justify whether the same intervention might work with diverse population you located in part 4.
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