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This project is entitles as “Bio informatics lab data analysis system” is developed using ASP.NET as front end C# as coding language and SQL Server as back end. Data details will be furnished using Data grid and MS charts. Data validation will be done through javascript. The main objective of this project is to develop a Client Server based environment, for transferring the medical report details from the bio medical lab. Also to improve data analysis technique, using previous data comparison methods.
This system works on accurate recording of all user report transactions lead to better data management and increases in various comparisons. This project consists of two types of interactions like admin and patient. Admin will be providing with a well secured login and patient details will be registered using admin. A user name and password will be provided to the user. The initially process is to enter the medical test requirement of the patient. The details contain prescribed doctor details, patient details and lab test details. Each disease will contain different CTA (Complete test analysis) for their test result. For example a general blood sugar test contains HBL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, Glucose level and etc. These all said to be CTA test.
Once patient has been register successfully their blood will be collected and a temporary reference number will be provided. This temporary number is for admin and employee reference. Once their blood test has been done, the test result will be uploaded by the admin by selected the corresponding user name. The uploading details will be stored in a centralized server for data utility purpose.
Patient can login with their user and password. Through selecting the date, the patient can view their current test result from their home itself. A test history option will be provided to the patient. So that patient can compare their test with their previous test results. This option makes the patient to manage and know about their health condition and their treatment. An interactive grid and chart will be generated for furnishing the result to the patient. Admin can maintain their patient detail, patient count, test results and etc. This makes more comfortable communication between admin and patients. Also entire treatment record will be computerized for future references.
Modules Description:
Admin Login
The initial module of this project is admin module. Here admin will be provided with a user name and password. There is also possibility for password changing option inside the admin login. The admin will be fully authorized person for this entire project. In added with he will be fully operational authority of this project. The admin can able to access all the option in this project and he can able to do all types of updating. And also admin can able to create patient and provide their username and password.
Upload Test Reports
This module is under the control of admin. A temporary reference number will be generated for patients. After the completion of lab test, the test report details will be uploaded in the patient zone. The uploading data will be centralized in server. The uploading details will be categorized into date wise, doctor wise, Patient wise, disease wise and etc. Each and every test contains sub test details. Full payment will be collected from the user side while patient giving their blood to the lab advisor.
User View
Using the user name and password, the patient can login anywhere at any time. All the uploaded contents can be viewed in the user’s login. A change password option will be provided to the user to make their treatment history more secured.
Upload Content
A premium option will be provide to the patient in this module. In case the patient has been taking treatment in other place means, after their treatment, patient can upload their new lab report with the existing treatment report. Data merging technique has been implemented for merging the existing data with the current data. Not even other lab details, they can upload various medical records, which can be used in their future.
Chart and Grid
This is the data display module, various grid and charts can be generated from the user side. This gives the data more clarity to access. Patient can select from date and to date to view their treatment history. All data will be compared in charts and graphs for clarity results. Using this option patient can monitor their health. And they will get more confidence on their treatment.
Minor Project Brief
For the project, student needs to select a relevant and a recent business opportunity/ industry challenges/future trends as a topic based upon their personal interests or professional aspirations. The project is completely based on secondary research. Students can refer to latest trade magazines and journals to select the area of the project. Students can follow methods of secondary research data collection like internet research, e-library sources, newspaper websites, Youtube videos, television series and so on.
Students must ensure to include the following:
• Theme or area of the project.
• Detailed background study of the area.
• Observations/ Recommendations/ Conclusion
It is important to show the application of knowledge gained in prior semesters into the project.
Part 1: Project Submission
• Submit Project Summary
• Upload Project Report
• Upload Plagiarism Report acknowledging 85% originality
On successful uploading of project work report, student will receive an intimation through the registered email address
Part 2: Viva Submission
• Viva Questions will be accessible only after uploading Project Work.
• Viva Questions will include 5 descriptive questions (6 marks each) related to your specific project.
• Viva questions are mandatory for the final project submission
1. Topic: The topic is the specific area that you wish to investigate.
2. Title: The title of the project describes the exact work done in the project. It can be 12-15 words in length.
1) Selection of Project work Topic
• The choice of topic for the project work and the approach to be adopted needs to be based on the field of specialization.
• It is important to distinguish between ‘project work topic’ and ‘project work title’.
2) The project topic should conform to the following:
Relevant to business or technology, defined broadly
• Related to one or more of the subjects or areas of study within the core program and specialization
• Clearly focused to facilitate in-depth study, subject to the availability of adequate sources of information and to your own knowledge
• Of value and interest to you and your personal and professional development.
3. Project Summary/Extended Abstract: An abstract is an overview or a brief summary of project work, which helps the reader to ascertain the purpose of carrying the project work. It acts as a stand-alone entity for the complete project work.
4. Introduction of the Study: It provides information about the topic chosen and details of the area/industry to which the project belongs to.
5. Objective(s) of the Study: It defines the purpose of undertaking the project.
6.Literature Review (Background Study): Literature review (secondary sources) is the evaluation of substantive findings and theoretical and methodological contribution to a particular topic.
7. Research methodology: It is the implementation of methods or techniques to efficiently evaluate and analyze a research problem, which helps the reader to assess the validity and reliability of the study.
8. Data interpretation: Interpret and elaborate findings of the research
9. Recommendations and Conclusion: Suggestions based on critical analysis of the results
10. Bibliography & References: This section provides a list of each author and paper cited in the research report.
• Any fact, idea, or direct quotation used in the report should be cited and referenced.
• Figures, graphs. Tables, Appendices and References should follow the American Psychological Association (APA) Style guide, 6th edition.
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