Assignment Task
Mixing Tank with a Chemical Reaction
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In this assignment we return to the system we have investigated in the last project. The key difference is that we want to make the PID controller a bit more realistic. In normal industrial systems, the way you change the temperature in the jacket or a coil inside the reactor is to use an external heating and cooling loop. You will have a heating unit that supplies heat and a separate cooling unit that supplies a source of cold. Using by-pass lines and on/off type valves, the control system can adjust the temperature of the utility fluid in the loop hence affect the control of temperature inside the reactor. In this assignment you will be simulating this type of operation. Hence your will be looking at the following:
1.The PID controller should control the flow rate of the coolant instead of its temperature in the reactor.
2. All control we have programmed so far was instantaneous. In project 6 and 7 the temperature of the coolant changed instantaneously everywhere in the heat exchanger. Here we want to assume that the heat exchanger contains a certain volume of coolant, which is ideally mixed with the incoming fresh coolant. This has interesting consequences.
The System to Simulate Our given reactor is a CSTR (V=5.5 m3 ) with one flow into the reactor (Vin=60 L s -1 ) and one out (Vout= Vin). As you can see, we assume that the flows are balanced and that therefore the volume in the reactor does not change.
The Tasks
1. CSTR with cooling – Model
i. Derive the differential equation for the enthalpy of the coolant, i.e. equation 6.
ii. Show how this is transformed into a differential equation with the coolant temperature. ???????? , as the ODE variable.
2. CSTR with Cooling – Simulation
Develop a program that simulates the reactor. Use 1 s as the time step for all of your simulations. At start-up the temperature in the reactor is 300 K and it’s filled up with water. The flow in is started and the concentration of B in the outflow should be brought to 1M. To achieve this, the correct coolant flow rate needs to be found. There are various ways to do this; here a good approximation can be found by trial and error. Provide the best value of the coolant flow rate (steady state value should be within 1% of the desired value). Plot the behaviour of the reactor for the first 30 min after start-up. Your plot must be properly annotated! Choose correct and reasonable units. (If you cannot produce a legend using Matlab, you can include it by hand or using some other program.) Your plot must have the following format and contain the specified information:
- All properties must be plotted against time (in minutes).
- The total time shown must be appropriate.
- All plots must be labelled properly. The labels must include units and the units must be appropriate
- All plots must also have a legend that states what each graph in the plot is showing. This can be done using the legend command, as in previous example code. However you can easily add the legend manually in Matlab or later in WORD or whatever you like to use.
- Make sure that figures are clear enough.
3. CSTR with cooling– Composition Control and Simulation
Implement a PID controller. This controller should maintain the composition of B in the reactor at 2 M by manipulating the coolant flow rate. Remember that this flow rate has limits and you need to set this in the code appropriately. The simulation should be of such length that steady state is clearly reached.
Proportional: Kp = -0.1 m3s -1M-1
Integral: ?I = -500000 s 2M m-3
Differential: ?D = -0.5 m3 M-1
i. The controller equation is given as Equation 7, briefly explain the role of each term. It will be insufficient to just name each term
a. What is the term Xset for in the controller?
b. Explain (for a general case) how to choose the ideal value for Xset.
c. Provide the actual value you are using and how you obtained it. (A reasonable approximation of the ideal value is sufficient.)
iii. Plot the behaviour of the system. The plots should be of the same format as in Task
2, but they should show the results for the controlled as well as the uncontrolled system in the same plot.
iv. Give brief suggestions with regard to the three parameters and how they should be changed to improve the control.
v. Update the parameters for the PID-controller (trial and error is OK) using your suggestions in 3iv, such that a steady state is achieved at the setpoint (CB=2 mol/l).
Plot the behaviour of the system. Make a note of the new parameters in the plot or the report.
vi. Briefly explain in what ways this new set of parameters is better than the one used in 3i. Base the discussion on your figures.
vii. Describe which parts of the controller that is the most active (dominant) at the different parts of control (initial, middle (still oscillating but not yet settled) and end
(at steady state)).
viii. The target was to have a concentration of B that is 2M. Explain why we didn’t try to achieve that directly in Task 2.
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