
AEM1007-Strategic Management & Organizational Culture – Management Assignment Help

Assignment Task


1-What is efficiency? What prescriptions have been made by different schools of thoughts in management science for enhancing efficiency of a job/ system of work? 

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2-What are the different elements of the subject of strategic management? How an organization can claim and prove itself to be strategic? 

3-Define the process of formulating grand strategic options and identifying strategic alternatives. Also show with real or hypothetical examples how corporate portfolio techniques such as BCG and GE-Mckinsey’s nine-cell matrix technique can be used to identify appropriate strategic choice. 

4-What are individual dynamics? Explain the main points in understanding and applying perception theory to manage employee perception. 

5-Explain the theory of learning in the light of conditioning theories and the main aspects related with the theory. 

6-Explain the theory of motivation in the light of factor and process theories and the key points related with both theories in understanding and motivating employees at work? 

7-What is organizational change? What happens when it is met with any resistance? How resistance to change can be handled by using Force-Field analysis? 

8-What is organizational conflict? What are the types of conflict in an organization? How can the conflict be managed using different conflict resolution styles? 

9-Write a brief note on organizational culture? 

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