
ADV205-Content Strategy For Multi-Platform Devices – IT Computer Science Assignment Help

Assignment Task


Develop the content strategy for the ‘LOCALE’ web service and app.

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This needs to include:

1. Background research.

2. Personas: Create 3 personas which typify the target audience.
3. Competitive analysis: Look at the competitors and write a paragraph summary on them.

4. Write a core strategy: Distill the strategy down to a sentence that is both memorable and overarching. The core strategy is the heart of the company wants to do. Use the information above as reference.

5. Themes and messages: Describe the central themes and messages that the content should address.

6. Content Plan: Tone, imagery, contact page, videos, sales materials, links, FAQs, text, shapes, colour options, visual design, navigation and information architecture. Include sketches and black and white maps with wire-framing. (This will form your ‘brand guidelines’ or ‘style guide’).

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