
Academic Integrity Located in the Orientation Program Management Assignment Help

Assignment Task

 Important: If you haven’t already done so, it is essential that you complete Module 3 Academic Integrity located in the Orientation Program before submitting your first assessment. 7. Remember you can take the two quizzes as many times as you like. Tick the completion box on the main Assessment page once you have completed the two quizzes to an 80% pass grade. Requirements Note: All written assessments should be submitted as Word files (.docx) (Word is available from your AIB Office 365 account). * The required word length for this assessment is 750 words (plus 10% tolerance). * In terms of structure, presentation and style, you are required to use: * a. AIB standard essay format. * b. You are required to follow the reflective writing style. Please refer to AIB Style Guide for more information. * Please be aware that the best practice in academic writing is to write in the third person style as this makes your writing more objective and less biased. However, as Assessment 1 is a reflective piece, you are allowed to write in first person when referring to your personal/professional experiences see point 6 (Reflective Writing) in the AIB Style Guide. * Acknowledge the sources of facts appropriately. Use a minimum of two (2) references in addition to the textbook. Adopt the author-date style of referencing see the AIB Style Guide. * All references must be from credible sources such as recent academic articles, books, industry-related journals, magazines and company documents. * Your grade will be adversely affected if your response does not acknowledge the sources of information you have used (see Assessment Policy available on AIB website). Utilise the suggested structure outlined in this ‘reflection template’ as described below: Note: Table of Contents and Executive Summary are NOT required for Assessment 1. * Cover Page * No Table of Contents * No Executive Summary * Introduction (approximately 150 words) * Paragraph 1 * Paragraph 2 * Paragraph 3 * Conclusion (approximately 150 words) * On a new page: Reference List (you must reference prescribed textbook plus a minimum of two additional sources). Not included in the word limit. * No appendices (Please do not add any surveys as an appendix). Grading criteria and feedback You will receive feedback on their reflection from your Online Learning Facilitator in order to provide an indication of the strength of your work. This feedback will create a formative foundation in the subject knowledge and will provide a framework for your responses in Assessment 2 and 3. Your assessment will be marked according to the following grading criteria: * Criterion 1: Depth of reflection and application of leadership theory to a broader context of personal and professional life (50%). * Criterion 2: Demonstrated understanding of relevant theories and concepts (30%). * Criterion 3: Required components of the assessment (10%). * Criterion 4: Structure, presentation, communication style and referencing (10%). 

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