
A Study in India Women & Domestic Violence Law Assignment Help

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Gender discrimination can be track back to ancient society or civilization. The most common type of violence against women worldwide is “domestic violence” or the physical, emotional and/or sexual abuse of women by their intimate partners or ex-partners. Research on violence against women raises important ethical and methodological challenges in addition to those posed by any research. According to available statistics from around the world, about 33 per cent of the women have experienced violence in one form or the other in their intimate relationship at some point in their life. In India, the actual prevalence of domestic violence against women is scant. For a variety of reasons, women may fail to report violence that takes place in the family .Even today, various forms of violence against women are prevalent in our society, though many cases remain unreported due to cultural norms, apathy or ignorance. Present study try to enlighten the actual scenario of domestic violence in our society. The study is limited to view perception pertaining to domestic violence through schedule survey by purposive random sampling. The study was conducted in the state of Tripura as it ranks 4th in National Crime Record Bureau, 2015 regarding Violence against Women. Though, the study is confined to the analysis of socio-cultural and educational background of the victims of domestic violence, however, critical appreciation of pertinent literature and analysis of secondary data on matters related to domestic violence and other related aspects has been ensured in the study.
The status of women in India is a contested terrain as there are protagonist and antagonists of the conditions of women. The women have a significant role in the society as in the contemporary world the women contributes considerably in the private and public sphere and also to the country’s economy. There is definitely some progress in the condition of women in modern India compared to the past. Modernization and the development of educational facilities for women have changed the conditions to a large extent. But, the empirical reality seems to be different from what we perceive about the status of women in India.Status of women is an essential prerequisite for women’s liberation from male dominated society and also from other form of control. Cutting across the major religion of India, women treated as Goddess with astonishment and restraint by the humanity. In the boring world women have tremendous commanding regards of respects and regards from the society. But in case of status in family and community they face hardship and humiliation from patriarchal society. Violence & crime against women has been a worldwide epidemic. Crime against women is a common evil in Indian society and has deeply rooted traditional in Indian Culture. Crimes have been classified under Indian Panel code as Rape, kidnapping and abduction, homicide for dowry and dowry deaths, torture, molestation, sexual harassment and importation of girls. Violence against women is a serious problem in India.Violence against women in particular hinders in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The worst part of the problem is that women today are not feeling safe and secured even in the family. The concept of home, sweet home is no more, so far many women, who suffer violence against themselves by the members of the family.Cutting across the boundaries of caste, class, religion and region, domestic violence is the most common type of VAW prevalent in India. Violence is not committed by the external agencies but even by husbands against wives. Many dowry deaths have been reported due to harassment by husbands and other family members. According to several research reports, violence against women certainly rise significantly because women has become sex object and she found herself suppressed and subjugated in a patriarchal society.
Extent of Domestic Violence against Women
According to available statistics from around the world, one out of every three women has experienced violence in an intimate relationship at some point in her life. This is an average based on available national surveys across industrialized and developing countries (World Health Organization 1997). The common elements in all these type of violence against women are gender and power. At the core of feminist explanations is the view that all violence is a reflection of unequal power relationships: domestic violence reflects the unequal power of men and women in society and also, therefore, within their personal relationships. Statistical evidence on the actual prevalence of domestic violence in India is scant however. The few studies available indicate that physical abuse of Indian women is quite high, ranging from 22 percent to 60 percent of women surveyed (Rao 1996 and Mahajan 1990). The NCRB reported in 1998 that the growth rate of crimes against women would be higher than the population growth rate by 2010. Domestic violence against women is almost universal social problem. As domestic violence mainly takes place behind closed doors, within the family environments, it is very difficult to collect reliable figures on this social problem. Ten thousands domestic violence cases by major states in India are reported against woman during 2006-2007 after implementation of Domestic Violence Act 2005 (After prevention of Domestic violence Act-2006). The National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) Report 2003 indicates that 36.1 per cent of the total reported crimes against women pertain to domestic violence. However, various studies highlight the enormity of the probleme.

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