
Data System Analysis – IT Computer Science Assignment Help

Assignment Task


Key tasks 
This assignment is a data analysis website. You are required to analyse the given data in folder data/source_course_files. This project is based on Python Flask Framework and you need to complete the files inside the controller folder named,, and, model folder named,,, and and several html pages (views) in the templates folder called 00login.html, 00register.html, 10student_list.html and 11student_info.html. 

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1. Data explanation In the data folder, the source_course_file folder contains all the data files we need to use in this assignment. The course.txt and user.txt files are used to save all the course and user data. The example of course and user data can be found in _demo_course.txt and  demo_user.txt files. (course.txt and user.txt files are provided but empty) 

2. Folder structure 
Folder structure 

The image above shows a folder structure of this assignment. Running the file can start this web application. The template file has some incomplete code which will generate errors. It is better to finish some tasks before starting to run the web application. 

3. Start the assignment
Step1. Create a new project in Pycharm and copy all the files into this project. 

Step2. Open requirements.txt file and you can see the image. 

Step3. Click install requirements.

After the instalment of all libraries, you can start to work on this assignment.
( Feel free to use the `pip install -r requirements.txt` if you can understand this command) 

3.2. Website business logic description 
1. Index page – Index page is the homepage of your web application. To launch the application you must run the main.

2. Login page – Login page allows the user to login into the web application which requires them to input username and password. There are three different kinds of users, i.e., Admin, Instructor, and student. Each kind of user will see different contents from the home (index) pages after login. 

3.For example, when admin logs in, the index (home) page looks like the figure 3.5. There is a reset database button which can remove all the content in the course.txt and user.txt files. 

4. Register page – Register page allows users to register them into the web application, in the case they do not have an account. It is required to enter username, password, email address and role when registering a user. And a register timestamp(unix epoch time) will be generated automatically. All these five values will be sent to the application’s backend to store the values in the user.txt file. 

5. Courses page – After a user logs in as admin, they can see the similar page as in figure3.7. In this page, the total number of courses and 20 course objects will be displayed. All the course objects can be returned based on the page number. By default, the page number is 1. Each page has a maximum of 20 courses. At the bottom of the webpage, a page number list is shown. By default, the page number list is always be [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]. 
Two buttons are placed below the total number of courses, which are the Process Course Data button and the Course Analysis Figure button. 

The Process Course Data button will retrieve all the data from given course data files(this process may take some time). The Course Analysis Figure button will generate 6 figures and the explanations of each figure. All the figures are saved into lib.helper.figure_save_path and all the explanations(i.e., the trend of the figure) about each figure will be displayed in a new webpage.  For each item of course, there will be a Details button and a Delete button. Details button will take you to the course details page. The Delete button will remove selected data from the course.txt file and user.txt file. 

6. Instructors page – In this page, the total number of instructors will be displayed. Because each instructor can teach more than one course, the total number of instructors is less than the total number of courses. All the instructor objects can be returned based on the page number. By default, the page number is 1. Each page has a maximum of 20 instructors. At the bottom of the webpage, a page number list is shown. For each instructor, we can see all the courses this instructor teaches by clicking the Teach Courses button.  There are two buttons below the total number, that are Process Instructor Data button and Instructor Analysis Figure button. The Process Instructor will extract all the instructor information from the given data files and store instructors info into the user.txt file. This method may take a while to finish. The Instructor Analysis Figure button has similar functionality as the course analysis button. 

7. Students page. In this page, the total number of students and a list of students will be displayed. Students’ info are not extracted from the files but registered manually in the register page. 

Task  – design classes 
You are required to implement the User class, Admin class, Instructor class, Student class, and Course class in the,,, and files respectively. The Admin, Instructor and Student class should inherit from the User class. The methods of each class are described.

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