
Personal leadership philosophy that reflects what you think are characteristics of a good leader

Leadership philosophy 053

Leadership plays an important role in shaping the quality of care that patients receive. Such behaviors are however often guided by an organization’s core values, mission and vision statements that provide the cultural perspective that define the provider’s healthcare practice. This task will first present the leadership behaviors explored in three articles and then give a person leadership philosophy detailing the characteristics of a good leader.

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Leadership behaviors Presented in the three articles

There are many traits and actions that present effective leadership as demonstrated in the three articles. The traits exemplify their role in guiding, directing as well as influencing the role that key stakeholders play in attaining specific goals. From the articles, an effective leader is one who is visionary and communicates such a vision to other employees in the organization. According to Bogue & Carter (2019), a nurse leader should always advance the wellbeing of other nurses by creating a conducive working environment. Most successful leaders should be on the forefront in working with passion, zeal and energy. Another leadership behavior demonstrated in the three articles is resilience, being supportive and critically assessing emerging needs in order to respond to them amicably.

Examine formal leadership theories and compare these theories to behaviors you have observed firsthand and discuss their effectiveness in impacting your organization

Reflecting on the Clifton’s Experience

There were five dominant themes from my Clifton Strength Finder assessment. The first theme is the relator which reflects my desire to always maintain close relationships with those around me. As is my nature, I find close satisfaction in collaborating with friends and in working hard to attain the goal before me. The second theme is strategic which shows my strength in absorbing and analyzing available information in order to make more informed decisions (Brown, Whichello & Price, 2018). The third strength is self-assurance which I was not so surprised about. This wasn’t my priority strength as I only feel confident on the risks, I take by using an inner compass. The fourth strength is adaptability which describes my flexible nature especially when there are unforeseen situations. My personality is that I tend to take life as I perceive it and not worry more about what is coming in the future. The last theme is connectedness which I have to admit that it was the most attractive one as I believe in doing things as planned rather than by coincidence. In future, I wish to build on these strengths especially by being more disciplined and maintain focus through an open-door policy.

Personal Leadership Philosophy

A personal leadership philosophy is important in healthcare practice as it provides clarity of who a person is, how they lead and what they stand for in their daily practice. Besides, having a personal leadership philosophy helps one to be more intentional in leadership practice.

Core Values

In my practice, I seek to demonstrate highest ethical standards, undertake responsibilities with dignity, integrity and highest level of honesty in my healthcare practice. Adhering to these values will ensure provision of patient-centered care.

Personal mission and Vision Statement

The mission statement that will form the basis for my daily practice is “to always inspire positive through provision of quality services within my area of practice and to positively make an impact in the life of every person that I interact with.” The personal vision statement on the other hand is “to be a knowledgeable and compassionate person that truly inspires and makes a difference in the people around me and to serve people with their best interests at heart (Xu, 2017).

Analysis of the Clifton Results

From the Clifton analysis results, I will always maintain a close relationship with people by building a close but beneficial social cycle that has the interest of each other. The results also demonstrate my resilience and focus in solving unforeseen challenges. The results however show that there is need to maintain more discipline and build confidence in other people for optimal results.

Behaviors to be Strengthened

There are notable strengths that I believe if well strengthened can help to achieve the said philosophy. One such behavior is encouraging innovation. Although I believe I often critically think outside the box, I don’t regard myself as committed enough in responding to every dynamic world of innovation. There is still more to learn and more to be desired as far as innovation is concerned. Strengthening innovation will ensure that I respond well to external pressures. The second behavior that I need to strengthen is how to make an emotional connection. Although I am a social person and I engage others around me well, I must admit that I need to strengthen the ability to make emotional connections so as to understand people around me better.

Development Plan

To attain the behaviors outlined above, the first step will be to have a target framework, timeline and stakeholders that can help me attain the set target. I set to achieve my personal vision by following on my core values, reassessing/reflecting on the vision and continuously monitoring whether the vision is being attained from time to time.

Define the laws of demand and supply. Give at least one example

Personal leadership philosophy that reflects what you think are characteristics of a good leader

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