Assignment Task
the applications of management and leadership theory;
the alternative approaches to management and leadership practice;
the distinctions between different styles of leadership.
Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes tested in this assignment:
assess different approaches to leadership and management;
evaluate the effectiveness of particular organisational leadership styles.
General Coursework Rules
Written Assignment must be submitted online through SafeAssign (or other plagiarism checker) via Blackboard for originality check.
Oral Presentation must be recorded and securely uploaded to YouTube (or other online video platform) for moderation purpose. The private link to video must be given to the lecturer during submission.
Assignment submitted after the deadline will be subject to a penalty. Please refer to the guidelines on Coursework Submission that can be found in the INTI-UH Student Guidebook.
Suspected academic misconduct will be handled according to the Policies and Procedures for Academic Dishonesty and Misconduct that can be found in the INTI-UH Student Guidebook.
Assignment Brief
D&G Cancels Show Due to Controversial Video
Italian fashion brand Dolce & Gabbana cancelled The Great Show in Shanghai hours before it was scheduled to get underway on Wednesday evening.
Before the cancellation, a long list of Chinese celebrities, including the company’s brand ambassador in China, singer-actor Wang Junkai, announced they would not attend the show.
On Sunday, a short video was posted on Dolce & Gabbana’s Instagram and Sina Weibo accounts, apparently intended to promote the upcoming Shanghai show.
In the clip, a female Asian model in a glitzy red Dolce & Gabbana dress uses chopsticks to eat pizza and other Italian foods.
Some Chinese netizens complained that the video was insensitive, in part because the model, with an unmistakably Chinese-looking face, appeared so awkward eating Western food with chopsticks.
Early Wednesday morning, in a chat on Instagram between a netizen named “michaelatranova” and someone using the personal account of Stefano Gabbana, one of the brand’s co-founders, Gabbana allegedly made insulting references toward China and Chinese people.
Dolce & Gabbana posted an announcement on its Weibo account saying: “Our Instagram account has been hacked. So has the account of Stefano Gabbana. Our legal office is urgently investigating. We are sorry for any distress caused by these unauthorized posts. We have nothing but respect for China and the people of China”.
As of press time the video was still accessible on Dolce & Gabbana’s Instagram account, though it had been removed from the company’s Weibo account.
Screenshots of the dialogue in question could still be seen on Weibo.
Indignation arose among Chinese netizens, with many calling on Wednesday for the show to be cancelled. A-list celebrities such as Chen Kun, Huang Xiaoming and Li Bingbing, said they would not attend.
The brand did not give further details about the cancellation.
Some 1,500 guests had been invited to the show, including global media, fashion bloggers and VIP customers from around the world. The event was to be the biggest, not only in the brand’s history, but larger than any other foreign competitors’ previous shows in China, according to a Dolce & Gabbana staff member.
The event was expected to showcase several hundred looks featuring Chinese elements to attract Chinese customers and show the designer duo’s respect for the culture, according to a public relations officer of the brand who wished to remain anonymous.
It’s not the first time that the company has faced controversy in China. In April 2017, it released a series of promotional videos and photos featuring Chinese models in Dolce & Gabbana dresses posing with Chinese people at some of China’s landmarks, such as Tian’anmen Square and Beijing hutong. Chinese netizens complained that all the locals pictured beside the models appeared to be shabbily dressed and from the countryside.
(Excerpt taken from: China Daily, November 22, 2018)
You are required to analyse and evaluate the above case from the perspective of leadership and organisation. You are required to write an academic review and address the following questions:
With reference to any appropriate management / leadership theories, discuss the leadership and management styles displayed in this incident. (30 marks)
In assessing leadership lessons from the brand’s co-founder, Mr. Staffano Gabbana, evaluate the impact of organisational culture on leader behaviour. (30 Marks)
With reference to the case study, recommend the most appropriate leadership style to take to help resolve this crisis management situation. Justify your answer with reference to wider reading, which could include examples of appropriate leadership approaches from other organisational examples you may have come across (40 Marks)
Other Specific Instructions for this Assignment
?This is an individual coursework and is a case study focusing on organisational leadership issues in which students are required to address specific questions as stated above. Thus, you are required to review literature on various leadership theories. Lastly, provide justification for your answers with relevant supporting theories and best practices.
?Reference sources may comprise of the following:
•Text or reference books
•Journals and articles
•Valid internet resources
?Students need to integrate the discussion with relevant and appropriate literatures (academic and prominent business texts, journals and publications) that would enable you to give convincing explanations and making justifications on the given points.
?Length and style: The report should be of 2,000 words, excluding the cover page, table of contents, executive summary, references and appendixes. The report must be written using 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman, font size 12.
?Student need to check their work for originality through SafeAssign, with a similarity index of not more than 20%.
The Assignment Format and Guide
The students are required to follow the following assignment format:
Cover page
Individual Essay Marking and Feedback Sheet
Table of contents
Body of assignment:
With reference to any appropriate management theory, discuss the leadership and management style displayed in this incident. (30 marks)
Leadership lessons from the brand’s co-founder, Mr. Staffano Gabbana. Evaluate the impact of organisational culture on leader behaviour. (30 Marks)
Recommend the most appropriate leadership style during any crisis management situation. Justify your answer (40 Marks)
Include the total word counts at the end of your final answer in the last page before Reference list.
References: use proper Harvard reference style; in-text and reference list.
Assignment Cover Page
Module Title:
Assignment Title:
Student Information:
Name* Student ID*
?I (we) have submitted one printed copy of my (our) assignment bound together AND one electronic version via Black Board. ?I (we) have read through my (our) work and to check for errors in spelling and grammar. ?I (we) are happy for my (our) work to be shared with future students. ?*Tick () the box next to your name, agreeing to the ‘Academic Conduct’ Statement.
I (We) certify that this piece of in-course assignment is my (our) own work, that it has not been copied from elsewhere, and that any extracts from books, papers or other sources have been properly acknowledged as references or quotations. In addition, I(we) agree that the electronic version of this assignment may be subject to electronic analysis for the detection of collusion, plagiarism and other forms of unfair advantage.
Individual Essay Marking and Feedback Sheet
Name: ID Number: Please refer to Grading Criteria for Essay when awarding marks (upon 100). Key in the weightage (X%) for each criteria and the detailed tasks and expectations (link to MLO).
Grading Criteria MLO 100m X% Comments / Feedback / Feed Forward
C1. Presentation & structure:
Brief introduction of the case
Direction of this assignment /100 /5 C2. Intellectual curiosity (Quality of academic sources). Use & presentation of Harvard Referencing
Appropriate Harvard style referencing (in-text and list of references) /100 /10 C3. Content/ Terms/ Findings/ Definitions/ Calculations
The leadership and management style displayed in this incident. /100 /20
C4. Breadth / Depth / Integration of Literature
Leadership lessons from the management team and the founders. Evaluate the impact of organisational culture on leader behaviour /100 /30 C5. Discussion /Analysis /Critical evaluation &/or Reflection
Summarise the key points and highlight the root of the problem. Recommendations, particularly on leadership in crisis management /100 /35 Total (Assessor) /100 Total (Peer Reviewer/Moderator) /100 UH Internal Moderator Comments
External Examiner Comments (if applicable)
UG Grading Criteria for HBS Coursework (Essay) – Key in the Detailed Tasks in the Marking & Feedback Sheet Below
ESSAY Presentation & structure Intellectual curiosity (Quality of academic sources).
Use & presentation of Harvard Referencing Content/ Terms/ Findings/ Definitions/ Calculations Breadth / Depth / Integration of Literature Discussion/Analysis/Critical evaluation &/or Reflection
Outstanding Outstanding presentation & essay structure, with flowing paragraphs.
Articulate & fluent academic writing style
No grammatical / spelling errors. Outstanding selection of quality sources, well beyond core & recommended resources.
Outstanding standard of referencing within text & consistent use of Harvard referencing system. Accuracy of in-text references & full details shown in Reference list. Outstanding exploration of topic showing outstanding knowledge & understanding through thorough & appropriate research.
Impressive choice and range of appropriate content. Outstanding business insight & application. Outstanding integration of literature/data into work.
Very impressive breadth and depth. Outstanding level of discussion/analysis/ critical evaluation &/or reflection.
Highly developed/ focused work.
Excellent Excellent presentation & essay structure, with flowing paragraphs.
Articulate & fluent academic writing style.
Only minor errors. Excellent selection of quality sources. Evidence of independent searching beyond core & recommended resources. Excellent standard of referencing within text & consistent use of Harvard referencing system. Accuracy of in-text references & full details shown in Reference list. Excellent level of knowledge & understanding demonstrated.
Evidence of appropriate reading.
Covers all relevant points & issues. Excellent business insight & application. Excellent integration of literature/data into work.
Impressive breadth and depth. Excellent level of discussion/analysis/ critical evaluation &/or reflection. Clearly developed points all of which are relevant to the topic.
Very Good Very good presentation & essay structure, with flowing paragraphs.
Fluent academic writing style.
Very few grammatical errors & spelling mistakes. Very good selection of mostly quality sources beyond the recommended resources. Few irrelevant/poor quality sources used. Very good standard of referencing within text & consistent use of Harvard referencing system. Accuracy of in-text references & full details shown in Reference list. Very good level of knowledge & understanding demonstrated.
Covers most relevant points & issues.
Few errors / omissions in content/calculations. Very good business insight & application. Literature/data is integrated in a way that demonstrates very good breadth and depth of understanding. Very good level of discussion/analysis/ critical evaluation &/or reflection. A few less relevant ideas/points or would benefit from further development &/or evaluation/comparison.
Good Good presentation & essay structure with effective paragraphing.
Writing is mainly good with some flow and spelling/grammar errors seldom impede understanding Good selection of quality sources but some irrelevant/poor quality sources used beyond the recommended reading.
Good standard of referencing within text & consistent use of Harvard referencing system. Accuracy of in-text references & full details shown in Reference list. Good grasp of the topic & some of its implications presented.
Good knowledge & understanding is demonstrated.
Minor errors / omissions in content/ calculations. Good business insight & application. Literature /data is integrated in a way that demonstrates good breadth and depth of understanding. Good level of discussion/analysis/ critical evaluation &/or reflection but more ideas/points could be addressed /developed further.
Clear Pass Clear presentation and sound essay structure with paragraphing that is effective for the most part. Writing is mainly clear, but errors may slightly impede understanding Some quality sources used to clear effect, but some may be inappropriate. Limited attempt to go beyond recommended reading. Harvard referencing system is mostly consistently, though there may be minor inaccuracies. Sound grasp of the main topic with clear knowledge and understanding of main issues demonstrated. There may be some errors/omissions in content/calculations Sound business insight & application. Literature/data is integrated in a way that demonstrates clear understanding. Sound level of discussion/analysis/ critical evaluation &/or reflection but some irrelevant points and more ideas/points could be addressed /developed further.
Marginal Pass Satisfactory: Basic essay structure.
Not always written clearly & has grammatical & / or spelling errors which impede understanding.
See CASE/T&L with feedback Satisfactory: Some quality sources used. Research did not go beyond the recommended sources. Satisfactory referencing within text & some inconsistent use of Harvard referencing system.
See CASE/ T&L with feedback Satisfactory content / level of knowledge of the topic. Addresses most of the task. Some errors / omissions in content/ calculations. May benefit from further research. Satisfactory business insight & application. Limited integration with literature/ data.
Use of literature/data but limited in breadth OR depth.
Satisfactory: Basic evidence of discussion/analysis/ critical evaluation &/or reflection but some points superficially made so need further development.
See CASE/T&L with feedback
Marginal Fail Weak essay format. Limited or poor structure.
Muddled work with many spelling & / or grammatical errors.
Must see CASE/T&L with feedback Weak: Limited evidence of appropriate research. Some use made of recommended reading, but the majority of sources are irrelevant/of poor quality. Weak use of Harvard referencing system with errors & inconsistently applied.
Must see CASE/ T&L with feedback Weak: Limited content / knowledge/ calculations. Limited or muddled understanding of the topic/question.
Does not meet all the learning outcomes. Weak: Unsatisfactory evidence of business application & insight
Work needs to show better links between practical application & theory.
Weak: Limited evidence of discussion/ analysis/ critical evaluation &/or reflection.
More development & comment needed. May need to do more than describe.
Must see CASE/T&L with feedback
20 – 29
Clear Fail Inadequate essay format & poor paragraphing / signposting.
Inappropriate writing style
Poorly written &/or poor spelling & grammar.
Must see CASE/T&L with feedback Inadequate: Little evidence of appropriate research. Few quality sources used from recommended reading. Inadequate use of Harvard referencing with many errors &/or inconsistencies.
Must see CASE/ T&L with feedback Inadequate: Lacking in relevant content/ knowledge/calculations. Content irrelevant / inaccurate. Does not meet all the learning outcomes. Inadequate: Lacks evidence of business application & insight. Some literature irrelevant to topic.
Inadequate: Lacking / inadequate level of discussion/ analysis/critical evaluation & /or reflection. Descriptive.
Must see CASE/T&L with feedback
0 – 19
Little or Nothing of merit Nothing of merit: Poorly written work, lacking structure, paragraphing / signposting.
Many inaccuracies in spelling & grammar.
Must see CASE/T&L with feedback Nothing of merit: No evidence of research. No use made of recommended reading. Sources are irrelevant & of poor quality. No or little attempt to use the recommended Harvard referencing system.
Must see CASE/ T&L with feedback Nothing of merit: Unsatisfactory level of knowledge demonstrated.
Content used irrelevant / not appropriate/ to the topic. Does not meet the learning outcomes. Nothing of merit: No evidence of appropriate business application & insight.
Nothing of merit: Unsatisfactory level of discussion/analysis/critical evaluation &/or reflection
Must see CASE/T&L with feedback
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