
MKTG1025 – Marketing Principles – Management Assignment Help

Assignment Task

Question 1

A company’s macroenvironment presents some of the biggest opportunities and challenges for marketers of the future. Select two factors in Geely’s macro-environment that you believe will have the most impact on its entry into the Australian EV market. Provide rationale for your choice. How should the company respond to these factors?

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Question 2:

As part of the “One Geely” strategy outlined in the case study (p. 112), one of the ways in which the company achieved cost leadership was by cutting down its dealership network from over 1000 dealers to just 700 within a year. The company has also demonstrated its innovativeness in exploring alternative channels of distribution and even selling the car on the internet directly to the final consumers.

What distribution strategy would you recommend to Geely for launching its new “Geometry” into the Australian market? What are the pros and cons of selling this car directly to the consumers? Consider Geometry’s positioning and characteristics of the final consumers in your analysis.

Question 3:

Develop an advertising strategy for Geely’s launch of their new “Geometry” in the Australian market. This should include a positioning statement, message and content strategy, message execution and selection of advertising media. Provide rationale for your choice.

Question 4:

Design an advertising copy for a magazine to promote the forthcoming launch of Geometry in the Australian market. You can use external images and software such as Photoshop/Illustrator/Canva or any other free ad design software to design your ad.

In your design, you must consider the target segment, their needs and the advertising strategy you recommended in question 3. You may also refer to articles on the internet on best practices for designing a magazine ad and demonstrate how you used these principles in your design.

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