Assignment Task
Each group will be assigned a company by their tutor. You are asked to design an online survey, deploy and collect data and analyse the data using techniques you have been exposed to during lectures and tutorials. The research objective is to understand the perceived positioning of one of the brands offered by the company against at least four other competitor brands (some of which may be offered by the same company or different company). That is, you are offer insights into a total of five brands.
The choice of which competitor brands you choose for investigation is entirely up to your group. Objectives of Task 1
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The group assignment is designed to provide you with:
- experience in developing a market research proposal and delivering on a research project
- undertaking primary and secondary research
- designing, building and deploying an online questionnaire using Qualtrics
- formulating and building an appropriate sampling plan
- importing, cleaning and accounting for missing data
- collecting and analysing both qualitative and quantitative data
- using SPSS preparing a report on your conclusions and recommendations
- development of skills in written and oral communication
- development of graduate attributes in relation to working in teams.
Group Formation
You will be working in groups consisting of students from your allocated tutorial. The tutor will determine who will be in your group and this will occur in Week 2. If you are / were unable to attend this tutorial, you should inform your tutor via email and make them aware of your intentions with respect to enrolment (e.g., if you are intending to defer the subject to another semester). Details of who your tutor is and their contact email
address are available on UTS Canvas.
Depending on the size of the tutorial, it is anticipated that groups will be made up of five, six or seven members. Whilst this seems large, it is expected that this will allow students to deliver on the task below in a timely manner. As indicated below, we expect students to work collaboratively rather than individually. The MR teaching team will also be very conscious of students who are not providing a satisfactory level of contribution to the task and adjustments for marks will be made accordingly if corrective actions following intervention are not taken. Students, however, must be inclusive of other students. This includes making adjustments and allow compromise themselves to recognise the individual needs of others with respect to their other demands (e.g., work, carer and other responsibilities). Students, however, are expected to attend the tutorial in which they are enrolled. If you have other commitments that have arisen (e.g. work, family, sport, spiritual, health, psychological, etc.) you should talk to your family, employer, GP and/or the student centre about your options including withdrawing from the subject.
Online Survey Component
You will design and build an online survey using Qualtrics. The survey will be used to collect data around consumers’ experiences with respect to familiarity with the product category, perceptions of brand equity, and perceptions of the target brand and competitor brands on key decision attributes; brand familiarity; brand associations; socio?demographics and other relevant segmentation variables, such as attitudes, values, and behaviours. Tutors will provide feedback on your survey and approve it before distribution.
Data will be gathered using personal invitations you send out via your student email accounts to friends, family, peers, associates and colleagues. Full details of sample size requirements will be provided on UTS Canvas and in tutorials
Data Management and Analysis Component
You will learn skills to export and import data from Qualtrics into Excel and SPSS. You will learn how to clean and transform the data for further analysis. You will be performing analysis to apply the skills that you exposed to via the weekly schedule in lectures and tutorials. This includes:
1) Describing data using relevant sample statistics;
2) Comparing the mean score on a particular measures across two groups using independent samples t?test;
3) Comparing means across more than two groups using ANOVA;
4) Comparisons of means across two measures for the same individuals using paired?samples t?test;
5) Predicting an overall dependent variable from several independent variables using regression;
6) Understanding segmentation using two qualitative variables via contingency analysis; and,
7) Generating brand insights based on qualitative data using word clouds.
Each of the project components and the overall research process will be covered in the relevant lectures and also in the associated tutorials. There will also be supporting guidelines set up on UTS Canvas. This includes a comprehensive set of instructions on using Qualtrics, SPSS and how to perform the analysis. You will be given every opportunity to be supported in your learning!
Section C: Application of Analytical Techniques for Marketing Research
Analysis Task 1: Descriptive Statistics of Sample Data
1.i) Present suitable descriptive statistics about the data that you have collected in a simple table.
The rows should be the variable name, variable description, coding used. You are advised to include all variables you have data on not just one or two variables. The columns should be the # valid observations, mean, mode, standard deviation, min, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4. For binary data, a mean, standard deviation and mode can be reported as these represent proportions (e.g., a mean of 0.3 implies that 30% take on the value 1 if the variable is coded 0 and 1). For nominal or ordinal data with three or more outcomes, noting that the statistical measure is inappropriate with simply “?“ or NA is appropriate. Week 3 lecture notes provides a suitable layout of the table required.
1.ii) Select one or a set of related variables to present a summary description of the data graphically. For example, you could use a boxplot of the five brand equity responses or a histogram to show the distribution relating to the brand equity measure of just one brand. The choice is entirely up to you. We simply want to see that you can create some form of graph using SPSS. You are welcome to use Excel if you so choose. Write a short summary to management about what your graphical summary shows. You only have to produce graphs for one variable (e.g., brand equity of the target brand) or one set of variables only (e.g., brand equity of all five brands) rather than all variables in your data set.
To complete this task, you need to submit two items: i) one table summarising all variables in your data and ii) one graph or one set of graphs relating to one variable or one set of related variables only.
Analysis Task 2: Comparing means across two groups using independent samples t?test In this analysis, we ask you to consider an appropriate independent variable that you can assume has continuous properties, namely one of the four brand perceptions a consumer associates with your target brand (e.g., perceived innovativeness of your target brand). Compare the two means across two binary groups of your choosing contained within your data (e.g., users and non?users; people above the median age vs. those below or at the median age).
State an appropriate research objective fulfilled by the above.
Summarise the appropriate descriptive statistics (e.g., means; standard deviations; sample sizes of each group) and statistics to conduct the test (e.g., t?statistic; p?value) emerging from your analysis. Make a statistical conclusion in relation to the hypothesis proposed. Repeat task two this time using one competitor brand using the same perceptual measure (e.g., perceived innovativeness of your closest competitor’s brand) and same grouping variable (e.g., users vs non?users). To be clear, you have to run two independent samples t?test to complete this task: one for your brand and one for your competitor’s brand using one of the brand perceptions of your choosing as the test variable of interest. Make a conclusion for management about what you have found about your brand and the competitors in relation to the two groups you have chosen to compare.
Analysis Task 3: Comparing means of brands across multiple groups using ANOVA
Select at least one appropriate independent variable measuring a consumers’ familiarity with your brand.
Compare this means across three or more groups contained within your data (e.g., low, median or high income). How you split your variable into groups is entirely up to you. State an appropriate research objective fulfilled by the above. Summarise the appropriate descriptive statistics (e.g., means; standard deviations; sample sizes of each group) and statistics to conduct the test (e.g., F?statistic; p?value) emerging from your analysis. Make a
statistical conclusion in relation to the hypothesis proposed. Repeat task three this time using one competitor brand of your choosing. To be clear, you have to run two ANOVAs to complete this task: one for your target brand and one for your chosen competitor brand using the same grouping variable in both cases. Make a conclusion for management about what you have found.
Analysis Task 4: Comparisons of two variables relating to matched observations using paired?samples t?test.
Select two appropriate independent variables that you can assume have continuous properties capturing the brand equity of two brands, namely your target brand and a competitor brand of your choosing. Compare the two means of the two variables (e.g., mean of your target brand A vs. mean of competitor brand).
State an appropriate research objective fulfilled by the comparison above.
Summarise the appropriate descriptive statistics (e.g., means; standard deviations; sample sizes of each group) and statistics to conduct the test (e.g., t?statistic; p?value) emerging from your analysis. Make a statistical conclusion in relation to the hypothesis proposed. To be clear, you have to run one paired samples t?test only to complete this task. Make a conclusion for management about what you have found.
Analysis Task 5: Predicting an overall dependent variable from several independent variables using regression
Select an appropriate dependent variable that you can assume has continuous properties, namely the overall brand equity of your target brand.
Select several independent variables of your group’s choosing that you can use in the analysis to predict changes in the dependent variable. The set of independent variables must include at least one nominal variable (e.g., gender) and one variable that can be assumed to be continuous (e.g., the mid?point of the age range the respondent has identified with). The independent variables must include at least one socio? demographic variable set (e.g. income groups) and at least one other segmentation variable set such as attitudinal, psychographic or behavioural variable (e.g., personal conservation behaviour score). You are welcome to transform your variables to decrease the number of variables required or to account for low numbers of respondents for one outcome (e.g., gender could be recoded to reflect male vs. not male). Run a regression analysis to examine the relationship between the chosen dependent and set of independent variables. To be clear, you need to run only one regression model only to complete this task.
State an appropriate research objective fulfilled by the above.
Provide a summary table of the results including the summary fit statistics (e.g., R?squared), ANOVA output for the regression model (i.e., test of coefficients in the model being equal to zero) and the table of coefficient estimates (include parameter mean, standard error, t?statistic and p?value). Interpret what the results show in each case. Provide an illustration of how the output can be used to make predictions. Write a short conclusion for management about what you have found.
Analysis Task 6: Cross?tabulation / Association
In this task, you will consider two categorical variables from your data.
6a. One variable should relate to a measure of brand perception on a different perceptual dimension to that explored in Task 3. You will need to convert your continuous measure into a dichotomous / categorical variable. For example, if you have measured category experience on a 7?point scale, you may recode those with a 1, 2 or 3 as perceiving to perform at a lower level on this perceptual dimension and those with a 4,5,6,7 as having a higher level in relation to the same perceptual dimension (noting the confound with the neutral item of 4).
6b. Consider one of your nominal or ordinal socioeconomic variables in the data. You are welcome to take a continuous variable and recode it to be dichotomous if you require (e.g., incomes classified into below and above or equal to the median income).
6c. Cross?tabulate or form a contingency table looking at the joint outcomes between variable in 6a and 6b. Use a suitable statistical approach to examine the question of whether the variables are independent of each other (i.e., use a chi?square / contingency analysis).
Repeat the task in 6b and 6c, this time replacing the variable in 6b with a variable from the survey data that examines a non?sociodemographic measure such as attitudes, behaviours or values. Again, you should use or create a dichotomous variable for the purpose of the analysis.
To be clear, you need to submit two cross?tabulations and associated contingency analysis to complete this task.
For the two analysis, state an appropriate research objective fulfilled by the above, and write a short conclusion for management about what you have found in the two cases.
Analysis Task 7: Qualitative Insights Using Word Clouds
Utilise the data the captures the words associated with your target product / brand. Utilise the data the captures the words associated with a competitor product / brand. Present separate word clouds for each brand based on your data (i.e., one for your brand and at least one other competitor). To be clear, you need to present two separate word clouds for this task. Write a short summary for management about what you have found.
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