
2003CCJ-Prison Simulations Essay Writing – Law Assignment Help

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The Simulation A video featured individual self-contained cells that provided prisoners with their own toilet, shower, television and mini library. This type of prison would be described as a 4th generation prison. All doors in the prison remain unlocked, this allows prisoners to move freely amongst recreational areas, educational rooms and visitation spaces. Though staff offices are monitored through CCTV, prisoners also have access to them which allows them to speak to staff such as the Chief, Warden, Accountant, Psychologist or Teacher and so forth. The video also showed a regime for prisoners which includes, 6 hours’ worth of free time that are separated during the day and night, 5 hours of work during mid-day and the afternoon and 2 hours dedicated to lunch and dinner. The regime also requires that prisoners get 8 hours of sleep and 1 hour to shower in the mornings. The outcome of the events was positive and were seen to be effective for both prisoners and staff. Simulation A shows that there is success in lower rates of recidivism and better mental and physical health for prisoners given certain circumstances such as, individual cells and no overcrowding, positive interaction between prisoners and staff and finally, prisoners engaging in educational programs.

Studies on open cell prisons and reduced overcrowding have shown to reduce levels in recidivism. The Bollate prison in Italy is known for their open plan prison, their cells are kept open during the day and prisoners are trusted to serve their sentences with little supervision.

A study conducted showed prisoners from Bollate prison with reduced recidivism rates compared to ‘closed’ prisons. Results showed that open cell prisons promote responsibility and positive self-growth for prisoners, while also increasing opportunities for employment outside the prison. Bollate is designed to encourage inmates to develop human and social capital and experience self-responsibility by allowing inmates to move freely (Mastronbuoni & Terlizzese, 2018). Research shows that overcrowding directly affects the behaviour of aninmate whilst in prison and after being released, it also increases difficulty for inmates to engage in rehabilitative activities. Overcrowding in prisons have been linked to high levels of stress, psychological impairments and high mortality rates. The lack of overcrowding in prisons enables inmates to develop healthy behaviours and whilst serving their sentence and positively reinforces rehabilitation programs and activities (Farrington & Nuttall, 1980).

Thus, factors such as open cell prisons and reduced overcrowding contribute to reduced likelihoods of recidivism as shown in Simulation A. Another factor contributing to reduced levels of recidivism and positive mental health of prisoners is the interaction between prisoners and staff, particularly having access to and a relationship with a psychologist. A study conducted in the United States have shown that interaction between inmates and staff improved the mental health of prisoners. Following a program implemented in Norway, results showed significance in reinforcing positive ‘prison culture’ or relationships between staff and inmates that better prepare offenders to re-integrate into society (Stringer, 2019). Staff-inmate relationships help maintain peace and compliancy in prison, it allows the facility to function successfully whilst also encouraging positive attitudes towards prison life for inmates. Correctional staff from Tasmania described relationships with prisoners hold values such as respect, compassion and humanity. Positive staff-inmate relationships form the basis of trust in staff to address prisoner problems and reasons for incarceration and ways in which they can help prisoners (Cianchi, 2009). As presented in Simulation A, prisoners were able to visit correctional staff at any time of the day therefore, this enabled prisoners to form positive relationships with staff that contributed to maintaining a productive prison and lower rates of recidivism. Finally, education programs in prison have been demonstrated to help reduce the likelihood of reoffending. A study revealed that education programs increased and improved skill levels and wage rates that further reduce the likelihood of reoffending in the future. The study in the US also showed that prisoners who received a tertiary degree whilst serving their sentence were more likely than non-criminals to live as “law-abiding citizens” (Magee, 2021). Another case study conducted in Western Australia presented three specific results of education programs in prison, the results are as follows; prisoners who had improved their skills in prison were less likely to commit more serious offences, prisoners who accomplished more classes were less likely to reoffend and finally, prisoners who completed classes in prison were more likely than other prisoners to remain in the community for longer (Giles, 2016). Increased access to educational rooms and teachers in the Simulation A prison were able to improve risks of reoffending while also providing inmates with education programs to advance their skills.

The penological principle that applies to Simulation A is the Rehabilitation principle. The purpose of this principle is to intervene, change factors and target criminogenic risks that cause offenders to commit crime. Rehabilitation does not believe in harsh punishments for offenders instead it observes the sentence imposed upon the offender as the punishment, thus, this theory believes that treatment for offenders reduces the likelihood of re-offending (Cullen & Jonson, 2012). It is evident that the goal for Simulation A was to rehabilitate prisoners. This was achieved through prison design, positive staff-inmate interaction, constant access to all areas of the prison and staff and access to educational and rehabilitative programs.

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